Luscious Creamy Pesto Dressing is a rich and vibrant compliment to so many dishes. Simple to make with just 5 ingredients. Perfect for pasta salads, sandwiches...
Don't believe the hype that every vinaigrette recipe should have one part acid to three parts oil. This more assertive ratio brings a lot more flavor to...
Vibrantly colored and spiced, this creamy dressing is great drizzled over your favorite salad, grain bowl, or cooked veggies. Fresh turmeric will give...
Make your own Greek dressing with this simple recipe. It's healthy and delicious. Drizzle this bold Greek vinaigrette on your homemade salads-it will keep...
This is just one version of Amy Chaplin's Creamy Carrot dressings from her cookbook Whole Cooking Everyday. Made by blending carrots with herbs and citrus...