This is a favorite of mine, and my friends really like it. The fried chickpeas have a firmer texture than boiled ones. The original recipe that I have...
Low-fat, healthy, and delicious!! We serve this as a side dish but you can make it a main dish by adding cooked meats or top it with your favorite gumbo,...
Serve this pretty mixture of white rice studded with vibrant green, pale green, black and red either hot or cold. It goes very well with seafood. From...
A recipe I found on for Thai recipes that sounds so good and I am posting it for ZWT. Here is what is stated about the rice: "This sticky rice...
This recipe was made by a church member for the church staff when we were invited to her home for a Christmas luncheon. It is absolutely wonderful and...
When my husband and I first met, his great aunt had made these for us on a visit. These were so wonderful I asked her for the recipe. She is of Swedish...
I found this one on the Cooking Light website and I can't wait to try it! Use reduced fat and reduced sodium ingredients to make this as healthy as possible....
Adapted from Moosewood Restaurant Lowfat Favorites. The original recipe calls for brown rice, but I substituted sushi rice. This recipe is a LOT of work...
This is my favourite salad for potlucks and barbecues. Don't be turned off by the unusual combination of ingredients - the different flavours and textures...
A good combination of wild rice, vegetables, nuts and dates makes for a different delicious side dish or a meal. The recipe comes from Better Homes and...
This homemade version of a popular Chipotle restaurant menu item livens up plain white rice with lime juice and tons of cilantro. Serve it as a side dish...
A recipe from The Best 30-minute Recipe of Cook's Illustrated. If you can't find andouille, use tasso, chorizo or linguiça sausage. Serve with plenty...
Soothe the after-school appetite with these scrumptious cheesy bites as seen in the publication, Walmart Live Better. These bite-sized balls are perfect...
Recipe taken off weight watchers site. All points and servings are estimated. I cannot vouch for original poster so check points and servings. Estimated...