Sliced three-cheese Italian sausage, mushrooms, and onions are quickly pan cooked until carmelized, and are then simmered in a cheesy Alfredo sauce with...
A simple, satisfying meal that's ready fast. Broccoli, onion, and chicken combine with penne in an extra virgin olive oil and garlic sauce, for a quick...
This layered beauty is stacked with fresh vegetables, baby greens, aromatic herbs, three kinds of Italian cheeses, and Classico® Four Cheese pasta sauce....
Campbell's® Condensed Beef Broth and Campbell's® Condensed Cheddar Cheese Soup provide the perfect texture and taste for this zippy version of the all-time...
Four cheese ravioli, called Ravioli a Quatro Formaggio in Italian, makes a glorious hot dish or salad when combined with pesto and sun dried tomatoes,...
Perfectly al dente ravioli combines with crisp-tender root vegetables and delicate scallops for an elegant, easy meal. A pool of marinara sauce showcases...
Gnocchi are tossed in a quick sauce made from fresh kabocha winter squash, toasted walnuts, and smoked scamorza cheese. Each ingredient has a particular...
The irresistible taste of sweet Italian sausage adds an unforgettable flavor to creamy Fettuccine Alfredo. Tender crisp Italian green beans and a cool...