These kebabs have 6 different kinds of spices; the first time I smelled them I knew immediately that I had to find the recipe. The most affordable way...
This Greek/Lebanese style meatloaf is sliced and served with pita bread, tzatziki, and tomatoes for a delicious gyro that is the closest I've come to emulating...
This recipe for lamb chops is a favorite in my house. It is an easy and quick recipe for two people (we eat two chops each). Rosemary and thyme give it...
I love how the sweet, herbaceous crust works with the subtly gamey meat. Lamb is obviously a popular Easter menu option and this mint-crusted rack of lamb...
This old Gourmet recipe has reviews from 126 users, almost all of whom love it. So take it from them: even if it's your "first time cooking lamb," you'll...
These grilled lamb chops are inspired by both Italian and Indian cooking. The yogurt-based marinade includes aromatic spices like cinnamon, oregano, and...
I bought a selection of lamb cuts from a CSA and got several one-pound packages of ground lamb. I made the last one tonight, and it was the best of all....
Lamb shoulder chops are one of the most inexpensive cuts of lamb, and slow-cooking them is the best way to get that nice lamb flavor. The meat falls right...
This is simply gorgeous because it's so comforting! The lamb shanks are slow cooked in a generous amount of red wine. Preparation is easy, too, it goes...
The basis of this recipe came from my 4th grade teacher's mother who was Armenian, and I've been making it for over 50 years. It is easy to put together,...
After searching everywhere for a recipe to recreate this amazing dish I tried at a Middle Eastern restaurant. I decided to try and make this myself. Though...
We adore Australian or New Zealand lamb, which has more flavor than the blander US lamb. So I was happy to have been given this simple recipe using a Crock-Pot®....
These easy lamb chops are just right for a quick dinner. Pair them up with the mashed potatoes and some boiled green beans. Pour a full-bodied Merlot or...
I purchased a leg of lamb roast from the store recently but had no idea on how I'd cook it. After reading ideas here on Allrecipes, I came up with my own...
Don't let their small size fool you, these chops are packed with maximum flavor! Try and find loin chops that are at least 1-inch thick for best results....
This is the first time I tried leg steaks. I found them to be a delicious and very tender cut of lamb. This is how I was told to prepare them by my mother....
Who says making a feast has to take forever? For large gatherings like Passover and Easter, leg of lamb is the roast of choice, and arranged on a platter...
Offer some homemade breadsticks with the lamb: Just cut a French bread baguette lengthwise into quarters; brush with olive oil that has been mixed with...
The lamb that we buy today hardly requires a typical English mint sauce (the puckery flavor was originally designed to cut through the stronger taste of...
This cassoulet is filled to the brim with white beans, lamb, garlic sausage, and smoked sausage (and breadcrumbs), but you can make yours with pork or...
I've done more than a few lamb dishes dedicated to Easter, but inexplicably have never posted one for a whole leg of lamb. It's such a classic Easter menu...
I was forced to create these when my favorite brand stopped making their lamb meatballs, which were a staple in my little food-obsessed world. They're...
Braising an inexpensive cut like lamb shoulder in the Moroccan way transforms the meat into a thick, aromatic stew of meltingly tender meat, chickpeas,...
This recipe makes a fantastic holiday meal, but everyone likes it so much that you won't wait for a holiday to make it again. Impressive as it looks and...
This would be a hot contender for South Africa's national dish! The recipe was selected for an international recipe book published in 1951 by the United...