A straightforward hummus that may be augmented with roasted red peppers or olives. Serve with crackers, flat breads or on a pita with sprouts for a great...
My secret to this recipe is the roasted garlic (and roasted garlic oil). Garnish with extra-virgin olive oil and ground paprika. Will keep in the refrigerator...
Jungle party, zoo outing, birthday party - this cute lion is easy to make and kids especially will love him. You can use other orange vegetables like carrots...
Sweet potato hummus made with peanut butter and chickpeas and sprinkled with paprika for a smoky flavor. This dip is great for spreading, dipping, or to...
I've always found plain hummus rather bland. Adding harissa (preferably homemade, many brands add vinegar to it which I find unpalatable and it's not authentic),...
This stuff is soooooo good! You can either make it from scratch as I have it here, or you can simply add the pumpkin and spices to a pre-made 32 fl. oz...
If you can get your hands on garlic scapes during the very short season, they make a very tasty garlic substitute in hummus. If not serving right away,...
Hummus is one of the easiest side dishes to make and it is generally cheaper than buying it in the store. The beautiful thing about hummus is that if you...
This filling vegan sandwich spread goes great with hearty wheat bread and any sort of veggies. To serve, use as a sandwich spread with hearty whole wheat...
This is the absolute best hummus I have ever had. It goes great with some toasted pita bread. Add more lemon juice if this hummus tastes like it needs...
Just a few ingredients make this hummus easy to whip up on a moment's notice. Serve with chips, pita wedges, or crackers. Great on burgers and sandwiches...
Wake up your taste buds with this twist on traditional hummus. Five different peppers combined with spices are the perfect complement to pita chips or...
My style of cooking is totally out of the box. This recipe is the sweet culinary equivalent of regular hummus. I'm a perfectionist with fibromyalgia and...
A whole head of garlic sounds like a lot for hummus but roasting it makes it very mellow, so the hummus is not garlicky at all. Like in hummus with chickpeas,...
Serve with pita bread-you can cut pita bread into wedges and toast it for a different taste sensation. Tahini is a sesame paste, you can usually find it...
A twist on traditional hummus, this version is tangy, earthy, and a refreshing change of pace. Using a high-quality balsamic will result in a tarter, more...
Creamy Burrata cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, Kalamata olives, and Italian seasoning combine perfectly to make this delicious hummus! Garnish with fresh basil...
I made this recipe the other day when I was hungry for hummus but didn't have all the ingredients. Italian-style salad dressing adds a nice zest to an...
A new take on a Mediterranean staple. This recipe enriches the flavor of your favorite hummus recipe by adding roasted garlic and smoked chipotle, and...
A nice switch from the Mexican layer dip. Super easy and very versatile! You can switch this recipe up in many ways to adapt it to your taste, this is...
Chickpea spread. We often replace a portion of the chickpeas with cooked edamame. This gives the hummus a nice green tint and sweetens it a very small...
I make this hummus all the time. It only takes a few minutes to prepare, and it's healthier without the oil. Increase or decrease the ingredients as desired,...
This hummus recipe was handed down to me by my Syrian grandmother. I took it and tweaked it just a touch, adding roasted garlic, making it my most-requested...
Hummus is a pureed garbanzo bean dip with Middle Eastern origins. Serve with pita and an assortment of fresh vegetables. This is the secret combination...
Sweet potato hummus made with peanut butter and chickpeas and sprinkled with paprika for a smoky flavor. This dip is great for spreading, dipping, or to...