I call this 'fall in love' guacamole because everyone I know who has tried it has fallen in love with guacamole. Quick, easy, and addictive! Add more salt,...
Wanted to give some Asian influences to guacamole one night, so I found some random items in the fridge and pantry and whipped it up. It looks ugly upon...
This is an avocado-less recipe that can be served with veggies or low-fat chips. Very spicy so you may want to cut back on the hot pepper sauce or jalapeno...
Tomatillos give a bit of tang to this avocado dip. Hass avocados, with their pebbly skin, are generally smaller, meatier, and less watery than their smooth...
Mint makes this a fresh, cool dip or dressing that can be enjoyed on a cracker, tossed in a salad or used for a vegetable dip. Try it spread on a wrap...
Healthy and delicious as a dip or afternoon snack. A tasty blend of Greek salad and Mexican guacamole flavors make this a different and healthful choice...
Healthy and delicious as a dip or afternoon snack. A tasty blend of Greek salad and Mexican guacamole flavors make this a different and healthful choice...
I'm constantly asked to make this. I think the ingredient that makes it popular is the Anaheim chile pepper. Use tortilla chips or other chips to dip or...
I'm constantly asked to make this. I think the ingredient that makes it popular is the Anaheim chile pepper. Use tortilla chips or other chips to dip or...
Tangy, flavorful, and absolutely delicious! This is by far the best guacamole I have ever tried. Everyone always asks me for the recipe. To prevent guacamole...
This great dip is always the first to go at our barbeques. It's a simple guacamole, perfect for dipping tortilla chips or serving with tacos. To prevent...
This great dip is always the first to go at our barbeques. It's a simple guacamole, perfect for dipping tortilla chips or serving with tacos. To prevent...
Tropiguac is my spin on guacamole. Its zesty, tropical flavor is a great appetizer to serve on a hot day. Cucumber is optional, but it's an extra zero...
Tropiguac is my spin on guacamole. Its zesty, tropical flavor is a great appetizer to serve on a hot day. Cucumber is optional, but it's an extra zero...
This is a great recipe for guacamole. It tastes just like the guacamole at Chipotle®. Quite tasty with fresh, fried corn tortillas. Add extra salt to...
This is a great recipe for guacamole. It tastes just like the guacamole at Chipotle®. Quite tasty with fresh, fried corn tortillas. Add extra salt to...
This recipe adds the flavors of orange, lime, and pineapple to the traditional guacamole. Combined with fresh cilantro, salt, and a hint of cumin, this...
This guac is always a huge hit at parties and potlucks! I've gotten many requests for the recipe. It is so easy and delicious! You can use fresh cilantro...
This is a recipe my Mom always brings to the family get togethers. It's always requested and eaten. Most of the time she uses the cottage cheese/cream...
Though it is Jamaica's national fruit, ackee is cooked and used as a vegetable. With a subtle, almost nutty taste, it is an exciting addition to vegetarian...
This is an amazing and delicious avocado dip. Randy, a nurse I work with, gave me his original recipe and said I could share it. It makes a lot so you...
A variation on the classic Mexican dip using some ingredients common in Japan. I developed this recipe because i couldn't get cilantro. The wasabi gives...
A variation on the classic Mexican dip using some ingredients common in Japan. I developed this recipe because i couldn't get cilantro. The wasabi gives...
I call this 'fall in love' guacamole because everyone I know who has tried it has fallen in love with guacamole. Quick, easy, and addictive! Add more salt,...
This lite version of guacamole can be used as a delicious appetizer with tortilla chips, or add as a topping to your favorite Tex-Mex recipes. Use more...
Healthy and delicious as a dip or afternoon snack. A tasty blend of Greek salad and Mexican guacamole flavors make this a different and healthful choice...
This great dip is always the first to go at our barbeques. It's a simple guacamole, perfect for dipping tortilla chips or serving with tacos. To prevent...
This great dip is always the first to go at our barbeques. It's a simple guacamole, perfect for dipping tortilla chips or serving with tacos. To prevent...
Healthy and delicious as a dip or afternoon snack. A tasty blend of Greek salad and Mexican guacamole flavors make this a different and healthful choice...
This is an amazing and delicious avocado dip. Randy, a nurse I work with, gave me his original recipe and said I could share it. It makes a lot so you...
I'm constantly asked to make this. I think the ingredient that makes it popular is the Anaheim chile pepper. Use tortilla chips or other chips to dip or...
I call this 'fall in love' guacamole because everyone I know who has tried it has fallen in love with guacamole. Quick, easy, and addictive! Add more salt,...
This is an amazing and delicious avocado dip. Randy, a nurse I work with, gave me his original recipe and said I could share it. It makes a lot so you...
Tomatillos give a bit of tang to this avocado dip. Hass avocados, with their pebbly skin, are generally smaller, meatier, and less watery than their smooth...