Absolutely delicious way to make Swiss chard. It has a comforting flavor and beautiful presentation. The colors are amazing and I often prepare this for...
This is a little different than the traditional Italian bread salad because it uses croûtons instead of bread. I really love all of the ingredients in...
The flavor of this was much different than I had expected. You really taste the dijon mustard. I didn't chop up my bok choy just left it in whole leaves...
This is a low carb spin off of the Ramen Oriental Salad. I love this salad and have enjoyed it with grilled chicken and sauteed shrimp to make a meal out...
I must admit I am not a coleslaw fan but this recipe, (I slightly adaptad from Bon Appetite), has become one of my favorite summer dishes. Mixing the cabbages...
Sautéed kale, mustard, turnip, beet or collard greens, tossed with toasted pine nuts, golden raisins, a little red pepper and black pepper. Sicilian-style...
The next time you buy a bunch of kohlrabi, COOK the leaves - they're delicious! They are firm & mild. This is most likely adapted from a recipe that I...
This is a luxurious take on the Garden Salad with a rich creamy sauce. I received this recipe through an Aunt and it is best prepared the night before...
I love this dish! The twist is in the golden raisins. They add such a wonderful flavor. The saltiness of the broth and cheese blends well with the sweetness...
A quick, healthy salad with lots of flavor and crunch...and endless possible variations! (Adapted from the salad my family ate when I was growing up in...
There's nothing like a skillet of freshly cooked collard greens. Make our collard greens recipe with bacon and add a little vinegar and hot sauce to round...
Although 300g seems like a lot of watercress don't forget that it will shrink during cooking. This dressing is tasty on all green vegetables, my favourite...
A quick and easy kimchi from Cecelia Hae-Jin Lee's _Quick and Easy Korean Cookings_. Leave it out at room temperature for 2-3 days, depending how fermented...
Suzanne Goin serves this delicious dish at her acclaimed LA restaurant, AOC. The kale is the kale is cooked slowly until it caramelizes for an incredibly...
Found this on fast cooking pressure cooker recipes. I **LOVE** butternut squash, usually have it with the thai seasonings, the kale and apples are great!...
From Bon Appetit January 2006. The walnuts are actually "candied" with sugar and vinegar for an interesting take on traditional candied nuts. Use the freshest...
I wanted an Asian-style cabbage salad with crispy noodles and lots of herbs, but wanted to avoid the salt and oil of most of the recipes on the site. I...
Entered for ZWT, from Australian chef Neil Perry, "Fresh and Fast". This version of the Lebanese dish uses mint, Italian parsley and cilantro (fresh coriander)...
Our favorite vegetarian pansit recipe. It's a traditional Filipino dish that is often served on birthdays. Our good filipino friend, Marina, makes this...
This is a wonderful Caesar Salad with a twist from added grapes and Swiss cheese. I served it last Saturday evening for my husband's birthday dinner with...
When I was growing up, veggies were boiled beyond recognition and then buttered into submission; and for a long while that is all I knew. Last year, DH...
This is originally from the "How to cook Everything" cookbook by Mark Bittman but I have tweeked it a bit.. It is a really tasty recipe and ever so easy...
Inspiration for this recipe came from my roomie. This is a forgiving recipe and a great way to get your greens! I eat it as a main dish, but this could...
this recipe was divinely inspired. i threw it together while cooking an impromptu dinner at my house along with two friends. i have been trying to create...
Kale has higher antioxidants then most vegetables and fruits. One cup provides nearly the same amount of vitamin C as an orange. Kale is high in lutein,...
This is another easy side dish to have with your Chinese night dinners. Note: if using fresh Bamboo Shoots boil in water for 30 minutes. Also soak mushrooms...
I decided to post this because none of the other Kim Chi recipes have a key ingredient that all Korean women I know use: pul, or rice water. I have made...
Growing up with an Italian grandmother, this is like chicken soup for the soul to me! This is fabulous on a chilly or rainy (or both) day. Add a crisp...
Feel free to substitute other veggies. If you don't have a grill, you can cook this on an indoor grill pan instead. Cooking time includes a 30 minute marinade....
A spicy and unique Asian salad--easy and cheap to make. This says to use just one cucumber, but I recommend using more because people will want to eat...