I always love the punch of color that cranberries add to a meal, and this delicious cranberry salad recipe really does the berry justice. Not only did...
This is my mother-in-law' Janice Williams' recipe. These are a festive side for holiday meals. We make them at Christmas and Valentines. The kids love...
This turned out great. I would gladly eat it as a side dish - It would be great served alongside ham - but it is also sweet enough to make for a delightful...
A fruity blend of cranberries, oranges and sugar (a good substitute for the Indian Trails Cranberry Orange Sauce, which is no longer being made) On the...
We chose to use a combination of Granny Smith, Gala & Red Delicious apples for this wonderful recipe. The mix was terrific, with the Granny Smiths being...
Whether you decide to serve this as a holiday side dish or a dessert, it will be delicious! We really loved this classic Jewish casserole. The mixture...
You won't believe how easy it is to make this scrumptious pork roast! Pork tenderloin is roasted with butternut squash and apple wedges and are served...
I found this recipe on the side of a flea market vintage box of Kerr caps and I've copied it word for word here. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks so...
Delicious for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Even people who don't like cranberry sauce love this dish. Great with turkey, ham, roast pork, beef....
IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR! fOR A recipe I found in the newspaper. A.... SURE-JELL FREEZER JAM. If you have never made your own jam. Then this quickie...
I am 55 and it seems like ahundred years ago that my whole family was at my grandmother's house for a week in summer. My cousin was in high school home...
One of our favorite places to go for dinner on family night out is the local buffet restaurant. On one of our trips there several years ago, I got myself...
These Apple Enchiladas are a great fall or winter dessert...easier than pie or cake but smells great in the oven. Few ingredients and ready to eat in minutes....
This recipe has been passed down through my family for generations. I remember my grandmother and my mother making it. Yummy as a relish with chicken or...
When looking to jazz up your rice, try this tasty recipe. The rice dish has a nice butteriness that comes from the chicken bullion and the toasted almond...
As a child, I remember visiting the farm of a family friend and having these pickles. They tasted just like candy! This recipe comes from "The Joy of Pickling"...
I found this quite awhile ago on another recipe site, It is absolutely wonderful, can use it as a desert or side dish I bring it to pot luck family dinners...
This was my Great-Great Grandma Helena Ingleright's recipe. My Great Grandmother found this recipe in her mother's recipe box and made this for her family...
I always love the punch of color that cranberries add to a meal, and this delicious cranberry salad recipe really does the berry justice. Not only did...
CAJ notes: This recipe is from Kraft foods, thought it would be great to put these on our Holiday table with individual cups! Easy to make the day ahead...
Is this a cranberry casserole or dessert? Who cares because it's tasty. The filling is sweet and tart. While baking, the cranberries burst and the apples...
My Aunt made up this recipe and my mom adapted it to have with our holiday family dinners. When my youngest nephew had it for the first time, he talked...
This is a sweet/savory side dish that has such a wonderfully pleasant taste and it goes well with any main dish - ham, beef, or poultry. I kid you not,...
I first made this recipe, when a friend gave us some beets out of his garden, about 25 years ago. I thought it was good. Cook time will be a lot less,...
I found this in a Southern Living Cookbook when I was looking for something different for Thanksgiving. This recipe can be used as a salad or dessert and...
Alright, alright. Another true Southern recipe. This is my interpretation of the recipe from my mother's unique recipe box. Any errors are in my interpretation,...
This is a recipe that I have used for many years from Taste of Home. It is a different twist on canned fruit. My friends enjoy it and often ask for the...
This recipe originally came from my mom's baby sister, Aunt Clara. They both would be so proud that I have shared it with you. In my opinion, this dish...
I used to make this sauce 30 yrs. ago to go with ham. I lost the recipe and this is my re-creation of it. The original recipe used half a can of whole-berry...
Okay I will admit it I only have one sweet potato casserole dish. Why? Guess it's cause I was born and raised in NY and we don't do a lot of sweet potato...
My step-grandmother Ruth Huffman passed away years ago at Easter time. This was a recipe that she would make for Easter dinner. It is one of my favorite...
This recipe brought back memories of going to grandma's for the holiday's as she always made the best fruit salad! It is now my oldest son's favorite holiday...
This is great when serving ham and I make this for my family everything Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Kids love this as well and is super easy to...