This is a basic recipe for ice cream cake. You can use any flavor of ice cream or cake mix you like! Frost with frosting or fudge topping or thinned ice...
The most delicious mint ice cream there is--tinted pink and studded with crushed candy canes or peppermint candies. This is bound to become your new fave....
The flavor is like a Creamsicle®. The texture is creamier than sherbet, richer than frozen yogurt, yet lighter than an ice cream. Not quite sure what...
Delicious, refreshing dessert. Perfect for coconut lovers on a hot summer day. Easily altered by toasting the coconut or serving with chocolate, fresh...
This is delicious and easy and everyone loves it. You can make it ahead and freeze it, but let it partially thaw before serving. It's best when it's 'crispy'...
Italian-style coffee-flavored gelato. True gelato does not contain eggs and it will melt fairly quickly when removed from the cold. On the plus side, it's...
Gelato the Italian way. Incredibly easy to make and incredibly yum! Ice cream or gelato maker required. My family goes crazy over this eggless chocolate...
A wonderful addition to any ice cream. Turn any vanilla ice cream into cookie dough. Much better than the store-bought cookie dough ice cream. NOTE: This...
My cousin brought this to our 4th of July get-together and everybody loved it. The best part is how easy it is. If you love ice cream sandwiches this is...
Orange and lemon juice are combined with gelatin, whipped cream and a beaten egg-white and then frozen in this traditional orange sherbet. This recipe...
After lots of experimenting to develop a low-fat ice cream or gelato, I came up with this recipe. Despite the lengthy instructions, it's very simple to...
It takes only 5 ingredients to make this fabulously creamy family pleaser! Before freezing, you can also add crushed sandwich cookies, nuts, chocolate...
This is a gourmet blend of smooth and creamy dark chocolate frozen custard with cinnamon. Garnish with an extra sprinkle of cinnamon and a piece of dark...
This is a very simple treat that can be used with your favorite fruit juices to make many different variations. My favorite variation has banana in it....
Dairy-free! I came up with this recipe after trying a specialty ice cream in an attempt to cut refined sugars from my diet. The result is amazingly rich...
Yogurt bark is the healthiest treat around! Spread your favorite yogurt on a tray, top with your favorite fruits, dark chocolate bits, nuts, seeds, and...
This homemade pineapple ice cream is reminiscent of the infamous 'Dole Whip' at Disney®. This version packs great pineapple flavor but it more smooth...
Just like what you get at Cold Stone Creamery®, Maggie Moo's®, or Marble Slab Creamery. Only better because it's homemade, and a whole lot cheaper. It's...
Pistachio and strawberry ice cream top a fudgy brownie base that's frosted with meringue and torched to create this baked Alaska. This concept is said...
These are a fast summer treat to fix. You can use your favorite sugar cookie recipe, but the sugar cookie recipe here will give enough for 6 ice cream...