This dish was created out of compromise. My husband is not a fish lover, but he loves burritos and tacos. I love fish, so I disguised it in a corn tortilla...
This is a very easy, quick meal to prepare, especially if you keep these ingredients available in your pantry and freezer. Do not over cook the shrimp......
An easy butter baked cod topped with crunchy almonds. No fuss, easy clean-up and tastes great. A nearly perfect fish main dish. Norwegian or Atlantic cod...
My father used to catch albacore and our Korean neighbor, Sun, gave us this fantastic recipe. My parents would marinate the fish and then broil or barbecue...
I first fell in love with yellow fin ahi when I lived in Hawaii. This is a recipe where I take my memories of living there for three years and have combined...
The salmon recipe came from my mom. She always made it into individual patties for a family of fifteen. Of course she tripled it. The sauce recipe came...
I normally bake my fish or fry it in cornmeal the traditional way. But I just wanted to try something different. So I did this, and served it with Jasmine...
We have a real difficult time here on the ranch with "tuna" from a can or the ubiquitous tuna casserole our mother used to make. We have found, however,...
I got this recipe while attending a spa cuisine class at Johnson and Wales. It is really great. This could also be done with haddock, halibut, or even...
Created this to tickle the taste buds! Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! You can use other fish or even chicken in lieu of the flounder. I served it...