This dish can help generate a little sunny feeling in the darkest days of winter. It's partly about the color story, with the pretty coral tones of the...
During the summer months when fresh berries and fresh halibut are available, try using blackberries or blueberries in place of the cranberries, adding...
This baked stuffed flounder is easy to make ahead and serve to your guests. The sage stuffing and subtly flavored cream sauce bring accolades from seafood...
My husband really likes the Wood-fired Grilled Tilapia with Vegetables at Red Lobster® and challenged me to come up with a home version. He thinks this...
Rarely do you find a fish recipe that's this easy and flavorful. This red snapper recipe hits the mark in all areas. The rub on the red snapper has a smoky,...
What a quick and easy dinner for two. The almond crust fries perfectly and has a slightly nutty flavor. We love the savoriness of the Parmesan cheese....
This is one of those little gems of ingenuity from my Nana's kitchen. Nana always made this every Thanksgiving, and all of us kids took turns helping her...
Every year in Everett, WA our church would put on a salmon and crab dinner for memorial day. During those many years my husband and I would watch how they...
If I had known these were going to come out as good as they did, I would've used much more impressive ingredients for the filling. But despite going full...
My mom always made her baked flounder like this, as was typical in "Down East" Carteret County, NC. You can use either whole flounder or flounder fillet....