Stock the slow cooker with a barbecue sandwich recipe that calls for a mix of both beef and pork. It's a winning shredded-meat combo, especially when simmered...
Break out the breadsticks and get your pasta bowls ready, because this recipe tastes just like your favorite restaurant-style chicken alfredo. A big pot...
Simple springtime risotto featuring English peas, asparagus, lemon and parsley! This risotto is baked in the oven and requires minimal stirring. The recipe...
From Betty's Soul Food Collection... Fire-up your next backyard fiesta with our perfectly grilled Mexican-flavored burgers. There's plenty of spice plus...
52% less fat • 59% less sodium than the original recipe. It's pasta night and everyone gets an individual dish of stuffed manicotti. Serve a side salad...
Easy, 10-ingredient vegan fried rice that's loaded with vegetables, crispy baked tofu, and tons of flavor! A healthy, satisfying plant-based side dish...
Looking for a slow cooked dinner? Pork and beans come together in this hearty French cassoulet - made using Muir Glen® tomatoes and Progresso® chicken...
This one-dish wonder super-charges the cheesy flavor, taking ordinary mac and cheese from comfort food to "wow!" food. Follow three easy steps to get this...
Easy ground turkey casserole that is made with spaghetti squash, sautéed onion and is oozing with melted cheese! This healthy turkey casserole is creamy,...
It's no mistake that this genius taco crescent ring is one of the all time, most popular recipes on It's easy, beefy, cheesy and comes loaded...
From Betty's Soul Food Collection... Hey! "Throw down" that leftover chicken to make a one-dish taco casserole. Family and friends will think you're the...
This "hunter style" dish is beloved not just in Italy, but all around the world. This hearty recipe has all the bright and sunny flavors of the Italian...
This vegan meatloaf with an easy tomato glaze is the perfect comfort food! It's super delicious, hearty, and easy to make. It makes a great Sunday dinner...