Have you ever tried an overnight chia seed pudding? Make this delicious chia pudding by combining chia seeds, unsweetened coconut milk, vanilla extract,...
Combined with the brightness of mixed citrus, creamy white beans and soft caramelized fennel, this citrus fennel whole roasted fish is a feast for the...
These Steamed Mussels with Garlic Saffron Sauce are the next-level in steamed mussels goodness. They are perfect for cocktail parties, family get-togethers,...
Throughout the Middle East, tenderized grape leaves are wrapped around fillings of rice, vegetables of the region, resulting in a satisfying, savory finger...
A recipe by Vegetarian Times: "You don't need red sauce to make a great pizza. Paired with a parmesan and mozzarella white sauce, broccoli and cremini...
Vodka sauce is essentially a creamy tomato sauce, except, it includes a good amount of vodka, hence the name, and fewer herbs. This sauce is not only perfect...
This No-Bake Lemon Cookie Ball recipe is all you need. Satisfy your sweet tooth faster than you can say "keto", and all without turning on the oven! The...
The chicken will almost resemble Chinese Bourbon chicken. It's sweet, it's salty, and with the tang of the onions and fragrance of the ginger and garlic,...
Pizza Pops are an amazing snack food, perfect for kids parties. A simple but delicious pizza dough is topped with your favourite toppings and baked until...
Ina's Company Pot Roast recipe transforms an inexpensive beef chuck roast, some red wine, a little brandy, carrots, onions, celery, leeks, and tomatoes...
This steak salad gives the word 'salad' a whole new meaning. You'll find no boring lettuce here, instead, we have iron-rich kale, tossed simply in warm...
The addition of a small amount of miso enriches the broth, giving it a more full-bodied flavor. And using fresh pasta in place of the typical dried noodles...
Vegetable Pasties are classic savory pastries that are very easy to make. A mixture of seasonal vegetables is chopped and gently sautéed then enveloped...
They are crunchy and flaky and salty. Good alone. Slathered with pb. Layered with cheese. I prefer them to croutons in salads. Crumbled in soup. Crushed...
What happens when you have a bottle of sweet chili sauce, a lime, soy sauce and ginger? It becomes every flavor you need in one bite, hitting the sweet,...
Cookie Dough Bombs that will satisfy your sweet tooth while staying healthy! Make your weekends fun by making these decadent bombs with your kids. A healthy...
Roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper, the sprouts and the pancetta crisp up in unison, the fat from the pancetta flavor the sprouts, and its crispy...
Here's a great summer recipe that is perfect for grilling season and large family gatherings. It's a healthier, gluten-free and an optionally vegetarian...
Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans are big on this classic recipe. We vary a bit but the end result is very similar. These are usually served as a side...
The creamy pink color of the salad is just too much to resist, with crushed pineapples and sweet marshmallows hidden inside. This cool and fresh salad...
Chicken roasted with a layer of mustard, was incredibly moist and delicious, the flavors of thyme, garlic and lemon permeating the meat. And the fix -...
The easy homemade blend of herbs & spices is the ideal seasoning for Salmon and other meats. Smoky and charred with a little kick of heat, topped with...
This Italian Beef Tagliata with Parmesan Cheese & Balsamic Glaze is a succulent juicy 12 hours marinated beef steak grilled to perfection over a bed of...
This inspired Asian Salmon Recipe is an easy, healthy, uber-flavorful dish that's literally ready in minutes. The flavor for this pan fried salmon recipe...
In 5 minutes, these arctic char fillets are cooked through, emerging with caramelized edges and skin glistening, ready to receive a citrus bath. Lots of...
Sweet Salsa Chicken is a simple yet delicious weeknight main meal that the whole family will adore. Salsa dip is combined with mustard, honey, brown sugar...
These amazing Marshmallow Ice Cream Cones are perfect for children's birthday parties, bake sales, baby showers and other special events. Homemade marshmallow...
These tacos capture the essence of a traditional barbacoa taco. Since goat meat is a little harder to find I love to use a chuck roast to make these amazing...
The sweet pumpkin custard surrounds the ruffled layers of golden crispy fillo which gets adorned with a dusting of powdered sugar and cinnamon just before...
This Korean Beef Bowl is the super quick-and-easy version of the traditional Beef Bulgogi. With only a 15-minute cook time and a few simple ingredients,...