I created this drink, which is named after the ancient Persian poetic form, to pair with Middle Eastern snacks. Rosewater enhances the cucumber-and-rose...
This Mexican Martini recipe from at Trudy's bar in Austin Texas is wildly popular with the locals and visitors. A smooth reposado tequila drink with...
This refreshing margarita has citrus undertones and is the perfect mix of sweet and sour. It's actually a little on the sweet side. Amaretto is a special...
Scarlet-hued, with just enough sugar to offset the tartness of the berries, this vodka-based spirit submitted by Corey Balazowich was a resounding success....
This is so yummy.... I love frozen drinks. Use whatever pop is your favorite ( I use diet to cut down on the sweetness) I also put the juice & zest of...
This is my very favorite Margarita...This is like a Pina Colada ...You can't even taste the alcohol...I absolutely love these things...they go down so...
Margarita fans, you're going to love these! Make them ahead of time, keep them in the freezer, ready to serve to your guests as they arrive. From Best...
Infused bourbon is not something you see everyday down in the South where we like our bourbon pure as the old-world Mississippi River. Infused vodkas,...
Bacon and bourbon: What could be a more Southern combination?This easy cocktail recipe requires only two ingredients, which you probably already have on...
This drink is the perfect drink for a girls night or a relaxed gathering. This is a favorite when we go to the lake, always a huge hit! Be careful, this...
This recipe has been posted here for play in CQ3 - New York. Found at website: http://cocktails.about.com/od/cocktailrecipes/r/bronx_cktl.htm The story...
A simple version of the classic mojito. This recipe gives options for making a single serving or a whole pitcher. The mint leaves should be bruised and...
Im not much of a drinker,but I do love bananas though.LOL. This would be great for those hot summer days. I hope that you enjoy this drink. PLEASE DRINK...
I usually like sweeter 'girly' drinks but enjoyed this one that's a little more potent than what I usually try. I would think that you could use any type...
These Raspberry Margaritas bring a little tequila, Grand Marnier and lime together for a delicious party cocktail. There is nothing quite like a Raspberry...
With its bright green color, this is the perfect drink to enjoy on St Patrick's Day! It is also an elegant cocktail to serve after a lovely meal! It's...
Bloody Mary's and brunch go together like peas and carrots. This one has a little kick thanks to the horseradish and hot sauce. There is a little saltiness...
It's not often that a cocktail is given credit for establishing a center of government, but it could be the case in North Carolina. Some believe the Cherry...
Thick and rich, we loved this coquito. Coquito is a traditional Puerto Rican cocktail that's enjoyed during the holidays. It has similar flavors to eggnog...
A twist on a classic holiday cocktail, this Hot Buttered Rum Coffee is a welcome addition for cozy winter days. Serve at your next holiday party with a...
Easy Jungle Juice Recipe is the best punch drink for a party crowd. The ingredients include alcohol like rum and vodka and then a mix of fresh fruit and...