Warm up with this classic mulled wine recipe! It's so easy to make. Gather a few basic ingredients and you'll be sipping mulled wine in 15 minutes! Recipe...
Meet the Negroni's wintery cousin, made with whiskey instead of gin. Rye whiskey is peppery and dry; you can also make this classic cocktail with bourbon...
Sorbet, Prosecco and vodka combine to create a divine after dinner Italian cocktail. Make this for celebrations, fancy dinner parties or as a treat at...
Creating a shrub-a vinegar-based syrup-is a quick way to add sweetness and acid to any cocktail. The one used here uses tangy rhubarb and gets a slight...
The vampire's kiss is a fun cocktail recipe. This fruity vodka martini includes raspberry liqueur and Champagne for a sparkling, blood-red Halloween...
Sloe gin is a sweet liqueur flavored with sloe berries. Learn why it's gaining popularity again and mix up refreshing fruit cooler known as the sloe...
Bright, bold, sweet, and tart strawberries give an early summer punch to the classic margarita recipe. Serve up this strawberry margarita blended and garnished...