"We age drinks that have a wine component, such as vermouth or Sherry, because the wine will oxidize a little bit. That brings out a lot of nutty, grassy,...
Celebrate summer's favorite fruit with the best Frozen Peach Bellini! This brunch-perfect 4-ingredient cocktail is dressed up with a splash of grenadine,...
A holiday-spiced grenadine syrup, club soda, and a twist is a grown-up Shirley Temple we can all enjoy. For the adults who want to imbibe, a splash of...
Pay for good Tequila with cash, or you pay for cheap Tequila with a massive hangover the day after. Long story short, although I love a blended frozen...
An iconic cocktail named for Giuseppe Garibaldi, a revolutionary who played a leading role in the unification of Italy. The Campari, from Milan, represents...
Create the perfect Pineapple Fizz with this step-by-step guide. Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add light rum, pineapple juice and simple syrup. Shake and...
Give yourself a few days to let this recipe for a tequila coffee infusion, courtesy of Dan Jones' new book Tequila: Shake, Muddle, and Stir, steep...
Sweet, floral, and perfect for a spring or summer party, your guests will love this cranberry elderflower Champagne punch recipe that's very easy to...
The precursor to the Pimm's Cup, the old Claret Cup employs a wine base to make a drink that is light and redolent of additions such as borage, cucumber,...
The apple margarita is a popular tequila cocktail that can be blended or shaken. This recipe is delicious, featuring both apple schnapps and the fruit...
The Espresso Martini was actually born from the Vodka Espresso, which was originally created by London bartender legend Dick Bradsell in 1983 (for a very...