Chewy fudgy homemade brownies made completely from scratch. Try them with chocolate frosting and sprinkles on top! You will never make a box mix again,...
Indulgently rich and fudgy homemade mocha brownies are layered with white chocolate chip-studded cheesecake. They're moist, rich, and fudgy with coffee...
In a weird feat of cooking magic, you can actually bake brownies by substituting the wet ingredients (typically eggs and vegetable oil or butter) with...
Homemade Marshmallow Brownies are fudgy, chocolaty brownies with a melted marshmallow topping! Perfect from scratch brownie recipe for anyone who loves...
Forget the tricks, these dark chocolate brownies are some of the best treats you'll have on Halloween. They're moist, decadent, and so easy to make, but...
This easy carrot brownies recipe starts off with a box mix and requires simple ingredients. It's super fudgy and moist and packed with chocolate and shredded...
I was trying to find a dessert that was no-carb and high in protein to fit in my diet so one night I decided to make my own recipe and it turned out delicious...
I was trying to find a dessert that was no-carb and high in protein to fit in my diet so one night I decided to make my own recipe and it turned out delicious...
If you've never had a Devil Dog, just think of it as a hot dog-shaped whoopie pie-two layers of soft chocolate cake sandwiching a creamy whipped filling....
Tiramisu Brownies combine a rich brownie base, spongy ladyfinger cookies, strong coffee and creamy mascarpone for a portable bar version of everyone's...
This is a great quick fix for a chocolate craving! Because it's microwaved it is different than traditional brownie and has a very moist, pudding-like...
Dr Pepper Brownies are just as fudgy and rich as a batch of traditional brownies are! The soda adds incredible flavor and moisture. Perfect for a quick...
Brown Butter Blondies made with nutty browned butter, brown sugar & classic ingredients for a rich, flavorful blonde brownie recipe! Chocolate Chips &...
Treat yourself to these delicious dark chocolate cashew brownies. Loaded with high-quality dark chocolate and caramelized nuts, they will leave your tastebuds...
The brownie for those who like the edges, the part of the brownie where the crisp meets the chewy. Remember, the thinner the batter, the crispier the result....
The brownie for those who like the edges, the part of the brownie where the crisp meets the chewy. Remember, the thinner the batter, the crispier the result....
Wine and brownies! Two of my favorite things in one pan. These Pinot Noir Brownies are dense and fudgey little bites of rich, delicious red wine and brownie...