This is an easy appetizer and a great way to use up leftover cranberry sauce from the holidays. I saw this on Michael Chiarello's show on the food network....
The lingonberries that accompany so many Finnish dishes, especially pancakes, are difficult to find in this country, but cranberries make a fine substitute....
This recipe is my recollection of a recipe my best friend's sister used to make. She had explained it to me once and I quickly scribbled down the ingredients...
A great little salad to put together for a lite dinner or lunch, combining the sweetness of dried cranberries and cubed pear. This uses Miracle Whip salad...
This is yummy wherever it came from. I don't keep "arrowroot starch" on hand so substitute with corn starch. This sauce highlights the natural goodness...
Any fruit can be used, but this is my favorite combination. If you wish to use oranges and grapes in the same batch, DON'T add the oranges until ready...
Dried blueberries are a terrific addition to perk up plain vanilla yogurt, or use them in granola, or just toss a few into your morning oatmeal. They last...
I created this recipe to use some fresh cranberries and a golden pineapple before I just ate the whole thing! I hope you will find it a very different...
These appetizers were featured on her show "Paula's Party". They're obviously not healthy but they sure look yummy! Note* Cook time and preparation time...
If you've never made cranberry relish, you are going to be amazed at how quick and easy it is. The entire process takes about 15 minutes. In this version,...
This flavorful butter is equally good with or without dried cranberries. Use it during the holidays on potatoes, vegetables or meats. It is also delicious...
I saw Giada make this on Giada at Home on tv. Posting for safekeeping. Serving suggestions: Serve on toasted bread, alongside cheeses, or on lamb chops....
Something a little different to serve at the holidays. All dressing ingredients can be adjusted to taste. You can decrease the vegetable oil to 1/4 cup...
From the book, "So Easy So Delicious" by Ellie Deaner. If you want to use this recipe for pasta, use only 1 tablespoon of the sugar. Cooking time is refrigeration...
The ladies just love baked goods. I like to make this with whatever fresh fruit I have on hand, like blueberries and cherries. It also works great with...
This salad contains only the ingredients that contribute to lowering blood sugar, making it a perfect dish to start a meal. Please do not immerse onion...
This recipe comes from a calendar that I picked up at Wal-Mart. It is the recipe for the month of June 2006. Berries have so many health benefits and this...
This was a delicious salad! I made it to take advantage of the ripe blackberries that were in season. I wish I had taken better notes as I was cooking,...
My aunt Myrt made this jello dish for Thanksgiving years ago and one bite you will be hooked. Lite creamy cranberry jello that goes well with any main...