Fast and easy, lovers of fish & chips get the taste without the calories in this recipe. Seasoned whole-wheat flour improves the flavor. This recipe is...
This is my version of Ruby Tuesday's New Orleans Tilapia. Tilapia fillets are baked then topped with alfredo sauce, sauteed red peppers and garlic cooked...
I modified this recipe from "The Ocean's Bounty," a little recipe book given to me by a friend from Connecticut. Instead of using whole fish, I used fillets,...
A wonderful recipe for tilapia with roasted sweet potatoes, red bell pepper and onion. This recipe is quick and easy to prepare - just chop, toss, and...
This recipe is healthy, simple, and elegant enough for a party. It originally came from a restaurant in the Napa Valley of California. This cooks fast,...
This is my favorite way to make tilapia, especially because Costco has such a great deal on their packaged tilapia, (at least here in Arizona.) So this...
Tried this for a different way to serve Tilapia. Made it up from several different recipes I found online. It really turned out really yummy!!! The salty,...
This is a very simple recipe that I have altered from a recipe I found some years ago. It's quick and easy, fresh and most of all, my picky husband and...
A spicy broiled tilapia and shrimp in a creamy alfredo sauce. Served at Ruby Tuesday's with steamed broccoli, slice of garlic bread, and rice pilaf with...
Spice rubs are the perfect way to jazz up mild-flavored fish and poultry. This rub - a blend of spices, herbs, salt, sugar and oil - transforms into a...
I think I got this recipe from Cooking Light and have made it several times for customers of mine who are watching their weight. They loved it and always...
This was created after reading several Creole sauce recipes and using the ingredients at hand.This would probably work with any mild fish. Next time I...
I love tilapia fish because it's mild. I'm always trying to come up with new things to cook for my boyfriend. He's not into baked fish, but he and my family...
Although not normally a fish fan, a friend decided to try this Red Lobster menu item last year after reading its description. As it turns out this dish...
Quick, easy and quite nice. I usually put the fillets over mashed potatoes and to make it super quick I prepare the frozen mashed potatoes, but of course...
Tickle your taste buds with this wonderful new tilapia recipe. For those of you who are not familiar with this fish it taste a lot like cod or white fish...very...
Ready, Set, Cook! Reynolds Wrap Contest Entry. I love this recipe because it highlights all of the ingredients present. It also uses a summer seasonal...
A delicious fruity salsa topping to serve over fish or chicken, from a friend in Florida. I always use whatever that I have left in a mixed greens salad...
From the back of a bag of Costco's frozen tilapia fillets came this "Captain's Favorite Recipe". It's a quick, delicious, and heart-healthy favorite in...
This recipe was published in the food section of The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Unfortunately, I can't give proper credit because after trying the recipe...
Ready, Set, Cook! Reynolds Wrap Contest Entry. I'm of a Korean background so the asian flavors of salty, sweet, sesame, ginger, garlic is present. My kids...