Snails are sauteed in garlic butter and stuffed in mushroom caps. When microwaving the mushroom caps, be careful they don't shrivel. Serve with garlic...
This is one of my favorite recipes given to me by a friend. We love making it for brunch! Customize it however you like with your favorite veggie and herb...
This delicious chicken veggie stir-fry is packed with goodness, and it takes less than 15 minutes to make. Serve it with cooked brown rice to complete...
Mushrooms are an excellent vehicle for beloved bacon in these easy to make appetizers. Use toothpicks to hold the bacon in place while baking. I usually...
If you are like me, you buy mushrooms with the greatest of intentions, but unfortunately, they sit in the fridge and get really...weird. This recipe is...
These are perfect, bite-size mushroom appetizers that are always a hit at parties and family gatherings alike. Even the little ones love them - just don't...
This is a Southern twist to an old favorite. The batter is made with red wine which adds an unexpected kick. It is a flavorful, crisp shell that highlights...
If you love mushrooms, you'll love this easy hot appetizer. Sauteed mushrooms are baked with cheese inside a flaky crust. Poppy seeds may be used in place...
This dish can be served warm or at room temperature. Use as an appetizer if the turkey is taking longer to roast than you had envisioned, or as a side...
Excellent idea for the grill! Anyone who loves mushrooms or blue cheese will love this recipe. When it is done, its like a mini gourmet pizza. This recipe...
I love Gorgonzola cheese, and chorizo is my favorite sausage, so I combined the two to create a spicy, cheesy appetizer. Whenever I make these for events,...
Portobello mushrooms are large Agaricus bisporus, with a firm, meaty texture and delicate flavor. They can be cooked in a number of ways, and can served...
This delicious savory pate is great on crackers, toast, or as a dip for veggies. Its rich umami flavor makes it a wonderful and satisfying vegetarian sandwich...
These fantastic portobello mushrooms are stuffed with a seasoned turkey sausage and cream cheese mixture. Even those who don't usually like mushrooms will...
Mushroom ceviche can be served with crackers or chips, a quick vegan dip that is very tasty. This recipe uses canned mushrooms which is why it takes so...
Delectable Brie never appeared more elegant than when bathed in a brandy sauce with mushrooms, almonds and tarragon. Serve this appetizer warm with baguette...
This recipe was served to me at The Aspall Cyder House in Suffolk, near where I live, about 30 years ago. They gave me this recipe and I'm still making...
Crepes are often served as a sweet dessert, but stuffing these delicate pancakes with a savory filling turns them into a delicious breakfast, brunch, or...
Quick, easy and tasty. Chicken cutlets in a quick pan sauce with wine, mushrooms and artichoke hearts. Great for a week-night meal as it comes together...
These are absolutely scrumptious, and can be made with either phyllo dough or puff pastry. I prefer to make these with puff pastry, as it's easier to work...
Each spring while searching for morels, my cousin and I inevitably discuss different ways to prepare them. He was curious about stuffing them, so I came...