Here is a delicious recipe for Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins to be enjoyed anytime of year. Feel free to adjust the spices to accommodate your family's particular...
Oh my! We love an old-fashioned recipe that's not only easy but delicious. These apple muffins are right up our alley. They're moist and delicate, but...
This is a copy cat recipe from Mimi's Cafe,these muffins are tasty and moist from the addition of buttermilk. The muffins at the restaurant are jumbo size,this...
The full title of this recipe is Moist Pumpkin Spice Muffins (With Cream Cheese Frosting) I could only add what I added for the title. These are by far...
I love the slight hint of rum in the muffins I make and the taste of the banana completes it. You can freeze these muffins and then take them out and glaze...
I found this recipe in a book, and then altered it to my own taste. I like it with the dill pickle relish, but my hubby doesn't. He would be perfectly...
These muffins are best when freshly baked, but they're still good the second day. Just reheat them in a 350°F oven for 3 to 4 minutes to refresh them...
These protein muffins are so good you won't even know they're healthy! These will keep at room temperature for up to 2 days, or in the freezer for up to...
A savory, flavorful, addictive muffin. A quick, easy alternative to dinner rolls at your holiday meals. Your whole house will smell delicious as they bake....
This blue ribbon winner from the Utah State Fair transforms a classic pasta dish into a muffin. Alfredo sauce and Parmesan cheese are mixed into the batter...
I normally dont like frosting on muffins, but a friend of my daughters begged her to get me to make banana nut muffins and to put..and in his words.."tons...
These muffins are so soft and fluffy and so delicious with the roasted pecans on top. A great way to use up leftover cranberry sauce from Thanksgiving!...
Thanks to the applesauce, apple juice concentrate, and the apples, these are some apple intense muffins. They are fabulous! While baking, your kitchen...
These moist, delectable and easy to make Morning Glory Muffins are loaded with carrots, raisins, walnuts, and coconut. They are always a hit with family...
I have a muffin tin with square cups in it and the bottoms have little metal inserts that come out. I decided to use this pan to make square muffins for...
Lemon Blueberry Cornmeal Muffins have a fresh lemon flavor and plump, juicy blueberries throughout. They're not overly sweet and taste great served warm...