Patricia Solley, published in the Best American Recipes, 2003-2004. Think margarita meets gazpacho. The secret ingredient is tequila, paired here with...
Crisp Napa Cabbage leaves are tossed with shrimp and cucumber, then, topped with wasabi-avocado dressing. Baked ramen noodles make a crispy topping.;)...
Garden cucumbers are calling to be used in this soup! Put it into a insulated thermas for picnics.Easy make ahead for outdoor parties. Cilantro is very...
From the Kellogg's cookbook. This uses corn flake crumbs and a hint of lime. I like these a lot and it's so easy to make. The only comment I have is that...
This delicious dessert is a real study in contrasts. The base is dense and rich, while the mousse is light and airy. I brought this to our family's 2003...
I know it sounds kinda funny, but this is a spicy Thai appetizer, traditionally made with ground chicken. The tofu works well because it readily absorbs...
This slightly spicy shrimp recipe works well as an appetizer or as a side dish to a main course, and it's a great way to use up any extra eggnog you have...
This is the perfect recipe for those who love the flavors of a classic Cuban pork roast but are cooking in small quantities. Typical of Cuban fare, these...
I love an avocado salad nomatter what, but this one is particularly refreshing. The lime dressing will keep for 3-5 days in a covered container in the...
I love an avocado salad nomatter what, but this one is particularly refreshing. The lime dressing will keep for 3-5 days in a covered container in the...