Thanks to the thickener Clear Jel (available online), this unusual sandwich spread has a luscious, creamy consistency. If you want a milder taste, use...
These cookies are made in a waffle iron, then are topped with a chocolate glaze and pecans to form a rich dessert. This recipe comes from the Triangle...
Sweet and crisp​ apples mixed with salty and crunchy smoked almonds, gorgonzola cheese on baby greens dressed on balsamic dijon vinaigrette. The perfect...
Homemade Extracts are a great way to stock up your pantry without spending a ton of money! Below, I will show you how to make this simple Cinnamon Extract...
This Bircher Muesli recipe is a quick and easy breakfast that is packed with nutrients that will keep you feeling full until lunch. Nutty oats, sweet honey,...
Pozole is a traditional Mexican soup thickened with hominy. This version, from Karen Bell, chef and owner of Bavette La Boucherie in Milwaukee, only gets...
These cookies come with a friendly warning: Chewy caramel, toasted pecans and a flurry of sea salt will make you popular. Very popular. A product called...
This Cheesy Potato Soup Recipe is a simple creamy recipe perfect for cool winter evenings. Potatoes, onions, herbs, and the secret ingredient - cream cheese...
Chocolate and sweet potato batters are swirled together to make this moist, tender spice cake from Patricia Polley of Columbus, Ohio. Wrap and store the...
These tasty side-dish potatoes get great flavor from Parmesan cheese, flecks of fresh herbs, and a crumble of crisp bacon. Best of all, they go with anything...
You won't believe the secret ingredient in these moist spice cookies: canned tomato soup! The recipe comes from the Inn and Spa at Cedar Falls in Logan,...
Living History Farms is a working agricultural museum that celebrates 300 years of farming with exhibits and hands-on experiences in Urbandale, a Des Moines...
This recipe is for canned salsa that tastes just like fresh salsa. It is mild to medium in heat, but can be adjusted by adding more or less tomatoes and...
We're off on the Road to Morocco, with this delicious dish I've adapted from two great chefs, Bobby Flay, and Deb Paquette. A tagine is a slow cooked stew,...