Whip up a batch of these Shark Attack Jello Shots. These are an ocean water jello shot made with Sonic ocean water jello. This blue jello shot is one you...
Enjoy this delicious and refreshing honey ginger limeade for a hot day! Perfect for summer cookouts and picnics. This recipe can be doubled for a larger...
This sage- and lime-infused gin cocktail is perfect for brunch. Cocchi Americano-an Italian aperitif wine-is beloved for its citrus, herbal, and bitter...
Mexican aguas frescas, or "fresh waters," made from all kinds of fresh fruit, flowers, or herbs, are a great way to beat the heat. This cantaloupe version...
The Captain and Coke is a simple two-ingredient cocktail that's made with Captain Morgan Spiced Rum and Coca-Cola. A more specific version of the Rum and...
The ultimate peppermint cocktail perfect for celebrating the season! This Peppermint Bark Martini is made with Rum Chata, Creme de Cocoa, and Peppermint...
Sweet with a lovely fruity taste to it, a Raspberry Gin Cocktail is a festive drink to make up for Valentine's Day. This raspberry and lemon gin drink...
This Cranberry Orange Margarita is perfect for your next party! This holiday cocktail is made up of freshly squeezed orange juice, tart cranberry juice,...