Duck Butter Dip This is a recipe I got from a restaurant from the owner/chef. It can be used with crusty bread, crackers, melba toast, or whatever you...
Easy-to-make raw dip from simple ingredients; I just created it myself when I bought too much cauliflower from the farmers market. It can be used as a...
This is an olive dip that makes for a great appetizer or to serve as a topping on meat. Cut little baguettes into small rounds for dipping. You can use...
Casa Ole (a restaurant) refused to fork over their recipe for the green sauce they serve, so I set to work in the kitchen and came up with this. I think...
This is so simple yet surprisingly delicious. My poor mother-in-law had to deal with me when I was a vegetarian. This was what she made. It has been my...
This recipe is similar to one at an Italian restaurant where I once worked, with a few changes for the better, of course! I don't think it can get any...
This roasted red pepper and walnut spread is quite popular in the Middle East and you'll understand why when you make it and discover you can't stop eating...
Not only is this a fabulous dip for vegetables and breads and things like that, it's also served as a side dish for things like fried fish and grilled...
I take this recipe to family and friend get togethers and it's always a hit. It's quick to put together. Serve it with an assortment of crackers, or try...
I use this tomato-based spread in place of jelly on toast and bagels. My favorite is spreading it on tomato-basil bagels. I usually place 1/2 the spread...
I take this recipe to family and friend get togethers and it's always a hit. It's quick to put together. Serve it with an assortment of crackers, or try...
This is so simple yet surprisingly delicious. My poor mother-in-law had to deal with me when I was a vegetarian. This was what she made. It has been my...
This is a homemade margarine or soft spread 'butter'. While it is not lower in calorie, it has a higher ratio of unsaturated to saturated fat than butter,...
Ever since my friend Sonja made this and brought it into work, it is my signature appetizer dish to take to parties! I tweaked it a little to my taste....
An extraordinary dip for an ordinary pretzel. The perfect combination. This is a clone of our favorite raspberry honey/mustard pretzel dip. When the store...
I cannot go to a gathering, event or party without someone asking me if I brought my BLT dip...a crowd pleaser! Have your guests dip the toast triangles...
This is a great quick recipe that can be doubled when you need to entertain a lot of guests. Great for the big game or tailgate parties. Texture should...
Spread this tahini on your morning toast for a sweet but sustaining breakfast. The cinnamon can be left out, but it's a delicious addition that I never...
This is a flavorful bread dipping sauce that combines the sweet tartness and richness of both tomato and balsamic, with the nuttiness and freshness of...
This onion dip is a hit with all of my friends. Sometimes I throw in some fresh herbs from the garden too. They can't believe it isn't made with sour cream...
Me and my friend wanted dessert, so we went to the kitchen and made this. It is one of my favorite sweet treats, and I am sure you will enjoy it. I recommend...
Me and my friend wanted dessert, so we went to the kitchen and made this. It is one of my favorite sweet treats, and I am sure you will enjoy it. I recommend...
Me and my friend wanted dessert, so we went to the kitchen and made this. It is one of my favorite sweet treats, and I am sure you will enjoy it. I recommend...
Otherwise known as 'Goop,' this chip dip is the most delectable dip you'll ever taste! It was created by my late aunt. Folks can't seem to get enough of...