My college roommate was from Taiwan, and this dish that she made was my favorite. I asked for it so much she finally gave me her recipe! A great Asian...
This salad keeps fairly well. Time does not include cooking the rice. You can use a sweet onion like Walla walla in place of the red onion. From Stoney...
If you have ever wanted to make great authentic Japanese noodle house ramen, this recipe is for you. Great for singles with some cooking experience and...
This is so simple and so good! I replicated this recipe from my favorite Thai restaurant in Atlanta. Serve tofu over the rice and drizzle generously with...
This is my attempt at an entry for the RSC6 contest! I think I have come up with something that is not only visually a knockout, but delicious as well....
This chicken dish is straight from the Szechuan province of China and it is hot! It is known in China as Chong Qing Lazi Ji. Unfortunately, substituting...
A bountiful medley of beans and vegetables. This easy curry can be made in minutes. Increase or decrease the spices to suit your taste. Serve over rice...
savoury cold sweet sauce found in British Indian restaurants, used as an accompaniment. It's very moreish and I experimented for ages to arrive at something...
This is a Filipino recipe which was carried down to me. I just added the jalapeno for spice and used the chicken wings. You can use pork or whole cut up...
A great Thai dish that is a favorite of my wife. Serve with jasmine rice, tomato and cucumber slices, and additional cilantro sprinkled on top. The contrast...
This is hands down the easiest and most delicious curry I have ever made. It's my own personal twist on Aloo Gobi, a traditionally dry Indian dish consisting...
I concocted this while in a pinch over not having all the ingredients on hand for my traditional Recipe #39439 to take to a potluck. I remembered I had...
Kena Na Patta Ma Bhoojeli Machhli (baked fish wrapped in banana leaves). Foil may be used as a substitute for banana leaves. This recipe is from Fire and...
Making your own homemade spices and condiments not only saves big bucks, but they are healthier to boot. You'll find that many of the required ingredients...
An authentic Iranian dish featuring boneless lamb in a marinade of garlic, lime, and saffron. Serve hot with plain rice (polow or chelow) or on Middle...
Cao lau is made with noodles, pork, and greens traditionally found only in the town of Hoi An, Vietnam. This recipe approximates authentic cao lau with...
This is a vegetable dish from the Philippines that can be served as an everyday dish or when you have company. Since it also contains pork and prawns,...
Why choose takeout when you can make this at home in the Instant Pot® with better results? This recipe can easily be doubled to feed four. You'll just...
A classic authentic chicken pad Thai made simpler than most other recipes. Additional vegetables such as eggplant, squash, peppers, green beans, broccoli,...
This is my favorite recipe for Kung Pao chicken. It tastes like the one from my favorite Chinese place. It is quick and easy too. Serve with warm cooked...
This is a lovely gentle introduction to bolder flavours - my kids absolutely love it. And if you're just making it for grown-ups, feel free to use mirin...
I came up with this recipe for the Mixing Pot Challenge of the Zaar World Tour 6. I tried to represent my team "A Seasoned Sailor and his Sassy Sirens"...
Yummy Asian pancakes and a delicious dipping sauce of sesame oil, sugar and soy sauce. My mother used to make these for me when I was a little girl. I...
"Ants on a tree" is one of most well known Sichuan dishes. It is a combination of ground pork and mung bean vermicelli. In addition to that, we use Sichuan...
This chicken is a variant on the popular Japanese snack yakitori. It makes the juiciest chicken I've ever tasted. If you are using bamboo skewers, soak...