This is a recipe that originally came from Robin Miller (Quick Fix Meals) on the Food Network. I re-sized the recipe for 3 people. My DH and I absolutely...
Thai native Nong Poonsukwattana worked her way up from Portland kitchens, refining her recipe for khao man gai, saving her money and eventually landing...
Use to marinate almost any grilled meat or seafood. I *heart* Sriracha; just say the word and I go wild! Adapted from TasteFood blog. This makes enough...
Sweet and sour pork is a traditional and delicious Chinese dish. There's no need for takeout when you can make it with very little effort at home, and...
A Cantonese favorite that uses freshly ground black pepper for spiciness, this dish is not so much hot and spicy as deeply flavorful. Use more or less...
Ramen noodles and colorful vegetables make steak and cabbage a simple stir fry that is on the table in no time. Serve it with chop sticks and they'll think...
This is a selection of easily prepared Dipping Sauces to be eaten with Imperial Fondue. Serve each sauce in a small bowl with a spoon. Guests spoon their...
I love steamed fish in black bean sauce! It is my favorite item to order at our local authentic Chinese Food restaurant. They add tofu, but I have read...
Here is the recipe for the lusciously light, snow-white, squares of coconut pudding that is served at Chinese dim sum. Simple to make and delicious! Because...
Pad Kee Mow, or Drunkard's Noodles, is a popular Thai dish. It is my personal favorite when visiting any Thai restaurant. It is made differently by every...
Spareribs glazed with the sweet, tangy taste of the Philippines. One of the honey coating ingredients, star anise, is native to China; it is a star-shaped,...
If you can't decide what to make for dinner, try this spicy pork and vegetable tofu dish: fast, easy, and tasty, it checks all the boxes for a satisfying...
This recipe was passed on to me by my native Japanese mother, the all-time favorite Japanese dish for my friends. I always cook this dish for any party,...
This is a delicious recipe for a marinade for flank steak. It would probably be tasty on chicken or salmon (minus the pepper flakes), as well. I typically...
A simple and delicious dessert of corn pudding made with canned cream of corn and rice flour. Serve with Latik (Fried Coconut Milk Curd) for a true Filipino...
This is an easy dish to experiment with Indian cooking, assuming it is not a family tradition already. I learned it from my sous chef Robbie J. at Keswick...
Named after an ancient Chinese statesman, poet and gourmand of the Song Dynasty, the pork belly is cooked three different ways, rendering the meat succulent,...
These almond cookies are what you would typically find in Chinese dim sum restaurants in Hawaii. A lot of these neighborhood dim sum stores/restaurants...
These delicious patties can be done ahead: fry and wrap them, and freeze for up to 1 month! Just before serving, reheat them in a 375 degree oven, uncovered,...
This bento box-style lunch is not only tasty but healthy, too. Baby bell peppers stuffed with chicken salad plus fresh cherries and cottage cheese. Refrigerate...
I've made this several times and we really enjoy it. I believe it came from a Weight Watchers cookbook, but I can't quite remember. It has 6 WW points,...
If you're looking for a pizza that has a lot of flavor and is a little different from the rest, then this is an easy and delicious recipe to make that...
This is a lovely fish dish I made last night for a dinner party which is a Thai dish. Excellent! From a Nita Mehta cookbook on Thai cookery. Time does...
Curry has always been a passion of mine, especially Japanese Curry. After years of searching I have discovered the perfect Japanese Curry. Many of these...
The great thing about this Japanese-style yakisoba recipe is you can replace the chicken with any other meat or simply use no meat at all. This can make...
Taken from Charmaine Solomon. "In Sri Lankan cooking one of the main characteristics is that the spices are dark and roasted, this gives an aroma completely...
This stir-fry is flavorful and full of assorted vegetables. I use the Better than Bouillon® garlic paste in my sauce, but feel free to use a different...