Walnuts, feta, and lemon in the filling, and sweet, juicy currants in the tomato sauce, fragrant with sherry and cinnamon. All this adds up to an anything...
The best choice when you want to pamper and impress your loved ones in style. Great side dish with grilled meats ..! AND the ease of preparation in just...
This came from the local paper. It's an interesting way to prepare okra that cuts down on okra slime. Very easy and much healthier than fried (but fried...
A wonderful way to get kids to eat carrots! This recipe is a "clone" of the famous Picadilly's Cafeteria side. I think you will find it scrumptious and...
This recipe is incredible!!! It seems like a lot of butter at first but after it soaks into the ooey goodness of the bread you will be amazed at how all...
Loosely based on the Moosewood's "Comprehensively Stuffed Squash" Would make a great thanksgiving dish for vegetarians, fairly simple for a weeknight meal...
These rolls are very delicious, easy to make and low fat. Fab as a starter, and people are always very impressed. They can be served cold, but I prefer...
I got this from a care2.com email. They said it was inspired by Simply in Season by Mary Beth Lind and Cathleen Hockman-Wert. I had to post it so I wouldn't...
A melange of root vegetables that makes a hearty, delicious dish. It uses parsnips and celeraic, two "forgotten" veggies that make this dish especially...
I buy the baby carrots already peeled and cleaned, but you can peel and quarter large carrots if you prefer. "House Seasoning" consists of: 1 cup of salt...
This is the standard Palestinian salad -- they eat it with just about anything but especially to accompany and give colour to rice dishes -- it might take...
From Family Circle and posting for safekeeping. Tender Delicata squash doesn't need to be peeled. Plus the stripes add a colorful accent. If you wish to...
I just pulled up 20 pounds of sunchokes from one plant. A knobby tubers look a lot like ginger root is in the sunflower family. Its nutty in flavor and...
I recently discovered the unique and flavorful taste of this "less popular" winter squash. I feel that this vegetable is overlooked by most of society....
Nothing can beat a bowl of steaming hot soup to warm the soul! This hearty chicken (or beef) vegetable soup is especially welcome and satisfying on a cold...
This is my favorite way to enjoy eggplant, and comes from Julia Child's Kitchen -- known as "Puree D'Aubergine A L'ail". This is the first recipe I have...
Often the simplest things in life bring us the most joy. This may be one of them. Easy and delicious! I just love Brussels sprouts and this is a nice and...
This is my " altered" spaghetti pie recipe being allergic to wheat I often use spaghetti squash in place of noodles and as a diabetic I make other substitutions...
This recipe is from the Sept. 16, 2008 edition of the "Living" section of our local newspaper, "The Democrat & Chronicle". DH and I were blessed with an...
From a Sunset Magazine special edition, "Sunset Weeknight." This is a delicious, Asian-inspired recipe that makes a nice change from London Broil. I like...
Found this recipe and it makes for a great last minute what is in the fridge salad to go along with all grilled meats! It is great for a cookout or picnic....