Turkey topped with ricotta cheese mixture enclosed in a flaky pastry. Topped with cream white sauce and almonds. An elegant yet easy and positively delicious...
Turkey breast becomes uniquely tender from cooking under pressure with a juicy interior and soft texture. I paired it with a blood orange gastrique for...
Brining a turkey before roasting, or deep frying, will give the turkey more flavor and keep it juicy after cooking. No more dried out bird. This is my...
A good burger that is healthy for you, and that has mushroom lovers in mind. We used the button mushrooms (personal preference). We roasted the garlic...
A very tasty stir-fry for busy week-nights, or anytime. Quick and easy to prepare, and the sauce is so yummy! Serve over rice or chow mein noodles. From...
This is a restaurant quality salad without all the the calories and fat. I adapted it from Cooking Light Magazine. Feel free to add green onions or substitute...
Janice Posted on SCDRecipe.com, a collection of recipes intended to help people with IBD/IBS, Crohn's, colitis, diverticulitis, SIBO, autism and/or ADHD....
Much easier than a traditional roast turkey, this sliced and stuffed turkey breast takes far less time than a whole bird, and it's perfect for an everyday...
Whtie and dark meat have different needs. This allows the turkey to be made easily with no mess, no fuss and ALWAYS juicy! This year I had a small gathering...
This looks and tastes stunning yet takes no time at all to prepare - perfect for an informal picnic lunch with friends. Great way to use christmas leftover...
This pizza was created when I used my leftovers as the toppings for this great pizza! It turned out to be a total hit. Now, I make tons of variations,...
I was looking for an easy turkey salad recipe to go with the ingredients I had on hand, but couldn't find one I liked. So quite naturally, I came up with...
Inspired by a recipe in Eating Well magazine, this quick dish is rather sumptuous in flavor. The original recipe suggested serving this with roasted fennel...
Marmite is a concentrated yeast paste that helps give this burger meaty flavor - find it in the aisles of your supermarket baking aisles or in a health...
Not technically and Asain recipe, these burgers are low in fat and high in flavor. I serve them alongside my Almost Fat-free Asian Slaw. Note: the bun...
An easy way to dress up turkey breast. Serve with a salad or colorful vegetables for a complete meal. Other herbs, such as chervil and tarragon, also work...
The Medici, lords of Tuscany, were not only lovers of art and literature but also of good food. At their court, artists, poets and intellectuals gathered...
This recipe is in July's issue of Delicious magazine. The picture looked fabulous so I knew I had to try it and I was not dissappointed. It's almost like...
Found in Better Homes and Gardens New Dieter's Cookbook. Haven't tried this one, but all that I have made from this cookbook is a real pleaseer. Plenty...
This is a very good way to use ups the left-over turkey after all those holiday meals. For added flavor and texture, add 1 Tbsp. Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard...
This is a super easy, quick, and favorable sandwich that the whole family will love. You can easily enhance the flavor of this sandwich by adding other...
This is a delicious and tender turkey breast. The recipe fuses the traditional flavors of bacon, turkey, and ranch seasoning with the moistness of my beer-can...