Hot and Spicy Chicken Nuggets are a delicious, spicy snack, perfect for parties or as part of a main meal. Deep fried or oven baked, these amazingly simple...
Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Add the beets and lime zest, stirring until the beets are crisp-tender, about...
"This recipe is a great way to put health and history on a savory Soul Food plate! It comes from the cookbook I co-wrote with my mother Soul Food Love....
"New England is famous for its plentiful, crisp, juicy apples... You'll reduce cider and make a delicious syrup to drizzle over sweet, tender, seared scallops,...
I think pastas a great way of eating vegetables, because you can make them in pestos, sauces or simply stir fry them in bite size pieces, and this where...
Whether you call it a Caveman, Cowboy, or Tomahawk; this ribeye steak is the King. A steak like this is great served right on the cutting board. Cut the...
As the "child" of hollandaise sauce (one of the 5 French mother sauces), Béarnaise Sauce is a rich, creamy, and insanely addictive sauce using butter,...
A copycat recipe for the Taco Bell chili cheese burrito. This burrito combines chili flavored vegetarian ground beef, refried beans and vegan cheddar cheese...
Learn how to make the Ultimate Curry Goat using a slow cooker. Using a classic Caribbean Curry Goat recipe, but adapted for a slow cooker, for those of...
"Are you looking for the perfect marinade for your chicken. This makes tender, juicy and flavorful chicken. Throw it on the grill to give that perfect...
These savory Apple Rosemary Pork Chops are the warm comfort food that is needed on a cold night. It only takes 30 minutes total, and you're on your way...
Corn Maque Choux is a corn-based side dish that is super popular in the more southern parts of Louisiana. This quick and easy vegetable side dish recipe...
This Chipotle Copycat Cauliflower Rice packs all the signature lime and cilantro flavors of your favorite Chipotle rice, but in low carb cauliflower rice...
Give these delicious vegan wings a try-- I promise they will taste JUST like the meat version. The seitan chicken has taken me roughly 2 years to perfect....
A real authentic Vegetable Paella, this recipe will be sure to impress all your dinner guest. Using white beans as a source of protein its packed with...
Jersey Mikes Italian cold cut sub is a classic Italian hoagie in the Philadelphia style. Soft hearth baked Italian roll, Italian meats and cheeses topped...
Warm corn tortillas topped with shredded cheese, nopales and roasted corn, a drizzle of lime crema, crumbled cotija cheese, a slice of avocado, fresh cilantro...
A recipe by PureWow: "Roasted cauliflower? Been there, done that. But roasting a whole head of cauliflower? Now we've got your attention. This recipe has...
A recipe by Prevention Magazine: "Looking for a pasta dish that won't weigh you down? This one is for you. Savory turkey sausage gives you all the taste...
These pickled cucumbers take only 2-3 days to be ready. They are delicious with any salad or sandwich and equally add an irresistible crunch and flavour...
Juicy, beyond flavorful lamb meatballs served with plump farro and peas. I recommend serving with a mint pesto and lemon yogurt. This is great for a dinner...
A total upgrade from the standard rotisserie chicken. This recipe is pretty straightforward and comes together in a hurry. The majority of the prep work...
This recipe brings together all the veggies we love such as broccoli, asparagus, and sweet potato. On top of that, we have shrimp in there, making this...
Three common main ingredients is all it takes to bake this savory snack. When uninvited guests surprise you with their visits, surprise them with this...
A lovely little mouthful of protein to keep you going for the afternoon. Use the recipe as a base to make it your own. Roll in cacao, add some raspberries,...
Braciole are a family favourite from southern Italy. Tender veal steak stuffed with salty prosciutto, cheese and fresh spinach, these juicy parcels are...
Spaghetti vongole is a simple dish PACKED with flavour. Bursting with all of the colours of Italy, this seafood pasta combines juicy cherry tomatoes, parsley...
I thought why stick to only noodles so I gave the vermicelli recipe a twist from the regular onion-tomato version and created the Chinese version of vermicelli....
I am always looking for zucchini recipes because it is my favorite vegetable! Here, I show you how to make some parmesan crisps in the oven. No frying...
Enter the uncomplicated combination of green chili, garlic, and juicy. The addition of parsley and rosemary lend their verdant freshness whilst conveniently...
Grilled Hanger Steak may just be my new favorite cut of beef. Chances are you may have never seen hanger steak in your local butcher shop or grocery store...
They would be delicious with chili, or any other hearty meals. But they were also delicious on their own. I had some for breakfast, a savory-sweet treat,...