One of my mom's signature salads. She serves this at all her little church lady events (and she has lots of them). Recipe is adapted from Gooseberry Patch...
Delicious and refreshing smoothie full of flavor! Very versatile, you could always substitute banana for pineapple chunks and use more apple juice. Easily...
Totally non-fat and very nutritious, with a honey-mustard dressing. The surprise flavor is curry in the dressing! Use baby spinach or whole-leaf spinach,...
I have never managed to get plain strawberry jam to set, partially because I absolutely refuse to add sufficient sugar. Adding gooseberries (or currants)...
White chocolate shavings form a "nest" for chocolate eggs on this pretty pink cake. Malted milk powder gives both the cake and the frosting a toasty flavor...
Considering how easy this is to make, it makes a great strawberry jam, good on waffles, pancakes and for a cheesecake topping! It will keep in the refrigerator...
Got this recipe from a site on the net. I needed a sugar free strawberry jam. Seeing no-sugared jam spoils easily, so I tried this recipe and it is perfect....
When you're in the mood for something sweet, but you want to keep it light, this simple dip really hits the spot. Dipping fresh plump strawberries in the...