James Martin's luxuriously rich dinner party starter can be made up to two days in advance for fuss-free entertaining - serve with toasted brioche, cornichons...
The refreshing cucumber soup is served cold, so it will go down well on a summer's day. Ladle it into bowls for a smaller gathering, or pour into small...
Recipe video above. Vegetable fritters can be so bland and uninspiring ... but not in the hands of Indian cooks! Pakoras are a traditional Indian street...
Recipe for mixed seafood in a creamy garlic wine sauce, or mariscos al ajillo. Made with a mix of shrimp, calamari or squid, and bay scallops cooked in...
Impress guests with this deceptively simple starter, made with pears, goat's cheese, watercress and hazelnuts. It's ready in just 15 minutes, and perfect...
Recipe video above. Meat on sticks is always a good thing, and Thai Beef Satay is one of the best! In this beef version of Thai Chicken Satay, a secret...
Recipe video above. Sweet pops of fresh corn on the inside, very crispy on the outside. These heavenly fritters are light on batter, heavy on the corn...
Try this dazzling take on the classic chilled Spanish soup - this version is made with green veg, herbs and yogurt. Add edible flower ice cubes for extra...
Recipe video above. Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls are incredibly fresh and healthy. The Vietnamese peanut dipping sauce that accompanies this is sensational...
A refreshing mango salad starter or side dish. With chunks of avocado coated in lime, finely chopped red onion, fiery red chilli and a good handful of...
These Roasted Mixed Nuts are the perfect combination of savory, salty, spicy and sweet! They make a great, quick and easy appetizer or snack... but be...
Recipe video above! The famous Thai Soup, made at home, and it's honestly the real deal!! See recipe notes for shortcut using frozen peeled prawns/shrimp....
Recipe video above. Hands down, my favourite way to cook fresh prawns! Simple and fabulous, the 3 tips for top notch garlic prawns is to chop rather than...
Rustle up Tom Kerridge's crab starter with a hint of smoked paprika for your next dinner party. You can make it ahead, leaving you time to sit down and...
Recipe video above. This warm dip is really creamy, super cheesy and loaded with bacon. It takes minutes to make in the microwave! Serving it in a bread...
Recipe video above. A firm Chinese starter favourite! A glossy soup broth that's savoury, sour and as spicy as you want it to be, filled with mushrooms,...
James Martin's sensational starter is sure to impress dinner party guests - marinate the squid overnight, then sear just before serving over avocado and...