Creton is a french-canadian specialty; this type of "pork pate" is certainly not healthy, but really delicious! I like it spread on toast or crackers,...
Boursin-style cheese can easily be made at home. Not just more economical, but fresher and tastier. Rub all the dried herbs used between your fingers before...
What's not to love? This is an easy make-ahead appetizer that takes 15 minutes to prepare and is so yummy it will be gone 15 minutes after you set it on...
This easy, but awesome, dip will get you rave reviews and requests for more every time you serve it. It's best if made without substituting ingredients,...
This is delicious!! I served it on toasted French bread and with crudites. From the local newspaper. (I have made this now with no fat mayo and no fat...
This is the original Old Bay Seasoning Party Shrimp Salad Recipe. It can be edited to your taste by adding or deleting ingredients. Serve as a salad or...
Creamy cucumber filling for sandwiches that is wonderful. The dill and garlic give it pizazz. This can also be used for an appetizer if used on the party...
This is a variation of something that I had while dinning out, when I asked the chef for the recipe - he said not - so I decided to give it a shot - came...
This is my favorite spring and summer salad. It's a great opening act for any seafood dinner and it makes a really good snack or appetizer. I like it with...
This is very simple and just as impressive. I've posted the full-fat version, but you can make this lower fat by using a low fat cream cheese and a low...
This was a very dangerous recipe for me--I could not stop eating it. Recipe courtesy of A Thrifty Mom. Serving size is estimated, but you may want to double...
This is a simple and easy dish - if you don't have access to fresh crab you can always use canned or if you would rather not use crab you substitute shrimp...
I found this on a website called, tried it, and it is very good. It makes a great 2nd use of a little of your cranberry sauce. I'm guessing...
This is a simple, versatile tapenade. It is best on warm focaccia or toasted slices of baguette, spread in a very thin layer. It is also terrific on sandwiches....
Finally! I found out how to make a wonderful bleu cheese dressing at home. I've tried so many, with all kinds of ingredients, but none of them came out...
This is a pretty easy recipe for a classic pesto sauce. It can be served with pasta for "Pasta & Pesto" or spread on toasted Italian bread or on sandwiches...
A quick and easy way to get ready for your party! In addition to sandwiches this flavorsome spread makes a pretty appetizer on top of crackers. Cutting...
This is quite close to the Philadelphia whipped garlic and herb cream cheese, but I like it better (and I can make it at 3am when I want some instead of...
Typically we serve this spread with breadsticks or crackers. But for a delicious change, put a spoonful onto some thick grilled slices of sourdough bread,...
Great party dip! The recipe listed below is doubled. I usually make it doubled since we like it so much. Can be served with pork rinds for low carb. I...
Easy and savory spread that only gets better as it ages. I always include the garlic and shallots but mix it up with whatever fresh herbs I have on hand....
This is a warm, spicy, cheesy dip that goes great with tortilla chips, crackers, or spread on sandwiches. Our family jokes that it's so good and addicting,...
These are so yummy. They taste just like a BLT sandwich without the bread. I made these for thanksgiving and they disappeared in less than 10 minutes!...
This tasty, flavorful spread is quick and easy to make but it looks very elaborate and pretty. It is a great appetizer for a crowd. I love that you make...
I received this recipe from a friend at work. Love this recipe because it is delicious and works up in a few minutes. Just the right touch of sweet vs....
One of our favorite party spreads. Adjust amounts of mayo, onion, and especially horseradish to your and your guests' taste. Adding or subtracting mayo...
This is one of my favorite recipes, adapted from Southern Living 2001 Recipes. The original recipe calls for mayonnaise, but I like to mix with Miracle...
After searching high and low in my town for a jar of tahini, I couldn't find any! I went searching online and found this easy recipe. This is MUCH cheaper...
This is truly the perfect hummus, in my humble opinion. Roasting the garlic brings out its nutty and sweet flavor and cuts down on the sharpness. It's...
My mother has used this recipe for every occasion that you can possibly think of. Everyone asks for the recipe and cannot believe that it is that easy....
A nice version of a Southern favorite - mushrooms are a great adddition that compliment the flavors! Another great recipe unearthed from Tony's Seafood...
This spread is delicious on crackers, baked potatoes and vegetables. I get many requests to bring this to snack day at work. It is hard to believe something...
This is a wonderful way to utilize an abundant crop of banana peppers that can be found this time of year. I love pepper jelly, and this has a very similar...