Cucumber Sandwiches - a simple yet elegant finger sandwich with a delicious homemade mayo-based spread topped with fresh thin slices of cucumber. Best...
This is a wonderful holiday mix with everyone's favorite things in it! It's perfect served in a large bowl for snacking at holiday parties! You can substitute...
My family craves anything flavored with chipotle--and this spicy snack fills the bill. It's great for last-minute get-togethers because it takes only 15...
This recipe has been a real hit with family and friends of Melody Michaelis in Sycamore, Illinois. "It's simple, deliciously crunchy and makes up a party-sized...
This is a delicious and yummy cracker passed down from my Swedish grandmother. It is a great and economical alternative to store-bought crackers and processed...
With only 4 ingredients and a little bit of your time, this afternoon snack of salt and vinegar kale chips can be crunchy, salty, and satisfying while...
Although these don't taste exactly like Chicago-style Italian beef, the recipe sure is a fun way to make a delicious cheese- and beef-filled roll using...
I love the simple ingredients of this recipe and the exceptional combination of flavors! The kitchen smells awesome whenever I bake these flatbreads. Using...
Skip the trip to Costco and make these chicken bakes at home in a flash! With just a few simple ingredients, you can make this classic food court item...
Says Pamela Steward of Rochester, Minnesota, "This crisp, sweet and chewy snack is one of my favorites. It's quick and simple to make and can be served...
Here's what you need: cucumbers, fresh dill, garlic, water, white vinegar, salt, sugar, whole black pepper, caraway seed, dill seed, cucumbers, red chili,...
This cool ranch-flavored popcorn recipe is a quick and satisfying snack. Whip it up for friends in under 30 minutes. They will love the tangy ranch mixed...
Warning: It's really hard to walk away from this sweet, salty, spicy, crunchy snack. If you're taking it to a party, consider making a double batch because...
Here's what you need: whole chicken, worcestershire sauce, canola oil, kosher salt, coarsely ground black pepper, red onion, celery stalks, green chiles,...
Making this smoky, sweet, and savory spread is like keeping a secret weapon in your fridge. Stir into roasted Brussels sprouts, top a burger, spread on...
Easy Avocado Feta Dip. Less than 10 ingredients, and quick to make. Loaded with avocado, tomatoes, red onion, feta and parsley (or use cilantro!). This...
How to make Mexican-style popsicles, a.k.a. paletas! This fresh fruit paletas recipe comes in 4 delicious flavors and requires just a handful of simple...
Pretzels are a great snack food. I love this recipe because it is sweet as well as spicy, but not too spicy. It's a great combination for munching. -Geraldine...
A combination of sweet and savory ingredients gives this treat a fun look and fabulous flavor. The recipe makes a big batch so there's plenty to share...if...
This snack mix has it all! The Cheerios, nuts, chips and M&M's make it sweet, and the noodles and nuts add just the right crunch. Arrange it in layers...
Here is a simple snack mix I created on the spur of the moment. It's easy to toss together for a Halloween party or to package in individual bags for a...