A red version of the timeless Argentinian chimichurri sauce recipe, which can also be used as a marinade, made with plenty of fresh herbs, garlic, vinegar,...
An incredibly fiery salsa from the Yucatán, made with charred garlic and habanero chiles. Use it sparingly on tacos, eggs, and anywhere you want a bit...
I loved how this all came together. The first taste was of sweet and tangy corn, but the sweetness slowly fades, giving way to the heat from the jalapeno...
This Guacamole Salsa recipe combines salsa verde and guacamole to create an addicting appetizer and salsa for tacos! Is gluten free, dairy free, paleo...
It's Tostada Night! Just hearing those words makes us hungry. With a sheet-pan salsa and quick-cooking tostadas, this recipe will be ready before you know...
This bright green sauce made from parsley, olive oil, and garlic is thick and rich, with a briny kick. It's delicious with poached and simmered meats,...
Make your own picante-style sauce or salsa at home with this recipe, with fresh tomatoes, spicy jalapenos, tangy apple cider vinegar and more. I use this...
If you're following the #cook90 initiative and made Crispy Chicken and Potatoes With Cabbage Slaw, these tacos are a delicious and clever use of "nextovers"...
Xni-Pec is a Yucatan salsa made with fresh habanero peppers, tomato, onion, sour orange juice and more. It packs some heat, and as the name implies, might...
This Pineapple Salsa only requires 6 ingredients and 15 minutes to make. It's the perfect appetizer to serve with tortilla chips and is delicious on tacos...
This fiery Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa is deep and complex made with dried chile de árbol, lots of cilantro, tomatillos and crushed garlic. It's amazing...
The delicious taste of scallops is perfectly complemented by a wonderful fresh fruit salsa in this quick but elegant dish. Be sure to use large, plump...
A recipe for quickly made relish with garden fresh heirloom tomatoes and peppers along with a few splashes of vinegar and other ingredients. Great for...
The delicious taste of scallops is perfectly complemented by a wonderful fresh fruit salsa in this quick but elegant dish. Be sure to use large, plump...
Tart pomegranate seeds add a delicious crunch to this salsa that also features sweet mandarin oranges, red onions, jalapenos and cilantro. Great served...
This mango salsa is made with sweet, ripe mangoes, red onion, jalapeño, cilantro, and lime. It has a terrific sweet and spicy tang with a tropical flair...
This is the best salsa ever! The recipe was given to me by a friend and it always goes quickly. It's easy to double, and people always ask for the recipe...
Spicy sauce to accompany seafood, meat or veggies of all kinds! Drizzle it on or place a few spoons full in individual dipping bowls for your guests. Latinos...
WARNING: EXTREMELY MEGA HOT!!! Not for the faint of heart. Lip and mouth numbing HOT!!! Make sure to use rubber gloves when handing and chopping the habanero...