Use your favorite mix of crisp salad greens For this colorful, main dish salad; topped with chicken strips and a zesty raspberry chipotle vinaigrette....
This stuff is so good and so easy. It makes a big batch and still doesn't last long in my family. I found that the cheap store brand Italian dressing works...
My take on the apple gorgonzola salad at Buca di Beppo. I have also made the dressing using Apple Cider Vinegar in place of the Balsamic with excellent...
Celery root is the homeliest of vegetables, but you'd never know it once it's all dressed up in this! Here's a super-easy and relatively quick way to prepare...
A delightfully light chicken salad with just the right amount of crunch. I make this quite regularly as it's easy and really refreshing. And, ok, I'm addicted...
Easy, quick, colorful. Cooking time includes chill time. Serve on lettuce leaves for an elegant presentation. If you are not watching calories you can...
I found this recipe while searching for Asian dressings. This is suppose to be like most Japanese restaurant's house dressings. Posted for Zaar World tour...
A light, fresh and very tasty potato salad, which is more of a meal than a side dish! I made this up when I had a few spears of fresh asparagus left, some...
My reverse-engineered recipe for this popular packaged dressing mix yields 6 batches. You can actually substitute chicken bouillon granules for vegetable...
Nutritional yeast is a godsend for folks who are vegan or those dairy-intolerant. I think this recipe gives traditional Caesar salad dressings a run for...
This recipe was easy to make & is great tasting & tangy. I make this vinaigrette any chance I get. It's great on so many things. Our favorite is tossed...
Modified from EatingWell, March/April 2010. The fresh, tangy elements of a Greek salad-tomato, cucumber, feta, olives and lemony vinaigrette-pair well...
Delicious over mixed greens. Add cucumbers and radishes if you like. I found the dressing to be a bit runny, so make sure your tahini is rich and full,...
I volunteer for my local public TV station and was co-chair of the food committee that provided food and snacks for volunteers & staff at a major fund...
I started an herb garden this spring and made cuttings to get the plants more sun. Thus, I had to quickly find a way to use the fresh herbs, or freeze...
In case you couldn't tell, our farmer's market has had some seriously amazing peaches the last few weeks, so I've been doing a lot of experimenting with...
This is excellent over fresh fruit salad, any combination and lettuce salads as well..I have even marinated chicken breasts to grill during same meal..Wonderful...
This comes from Yoshiaki Kirsana, a chef at a Houston Benihana restaurant. Yoshiaki was kind enough to submit this for publication in a local Methodist...
A delicious coleslaw with a little citrus twist! Adapted from Cooks Recipes. If you like your slaw a little wetter, make another 1/2 recipe of the dressing....
This a wonderful recipe taken from Jean Carnahan's Recipes from the Governer's Mansion. My friends beg me to make it whenever they come over for dinner....
Excellent on a salad topped with blue cheese, dried cranberries, mandarin oranges and pecans but good on any green salad. I have made it with Splenda and...
used the overabundance zucchinis to make this healthy slaw. I used a mandolin to create long julienned strips of zucchini, carrots and red bell peppers.....
This is a lovely salad dressing for those who prefer a more mellow, sweeter taste in their salads. I recommend dressing a combination of romaine and baby...
This salad dressing comes from Sam Choy, one of my favorite Hawaiian chefs along with Alan Wong and Roy Yamaguchi. The dressing is good just as it is,...
If you are a spinach salad-lover then this is one you should not pass up! Serve this to your guests or family then sit back and wait for all the rave reviews...
This recipe from Gourmet Magazine (October 1998) makes a wonderfully simple and delicious winter salad. The dressing is fabulous and you may want to try...
Crunchy romaine lettuce with vegetables and a creamy dill dressing. Add vegetables of your choice. I also add cheese, carrots, celery and croutons to mine....
Easy and delicious spinach salad. I didn't use all the sugar, or all the oil. The dressing was sweet enough without the whole 1/3 cup of sugar, and I like...
This recipe is slightly different than the others posted as it doesn't include mustard. Quite sweet with a garlic balsamic ending. I always double the...
This is the salad dressing I was raised on. It's super simple to make, and delicious--especially for garlic lovers! I've never really measured the ingredients,...