The most coveted dish at any Hanukkah celebration is one piled high with sizzling latkes. Specially prepared for the Jewish holiday, the potato pancakes...
These simple vegetarian tacos are loaded with flavor and are easy enough to assemble in the morning for a quick and delicious breakfast that'll get you...
Watermelon is just so refreshing in summer, and the crisp radishes, fresh mint and chilli hum from the dressing make this incredible. It really reminds...
This plant-based powerbowl is an excellent source of calcium thanks to the additions of tofu and broccoli. A handful of chopped cilantro and lime-pickled...
The classic pairing of pineapple and coconut goes even more tropical with juicy mango. Meyer lemons, which have a sweet-tart flavor, are so delicate they...
Juicy melon makes a brilliant match for salty, tangy cheese. The riper the fruit, the better. Honeydew, canary, or Chanterais melons would also work well...
This vegan recipe shows off the chameleon-like qualities of a longstanding protein alternative: tofu. Big flavors from aromatics including garlic, tomato...
Buttery walnuts are roasted with garlic and Parmesan, then tossed with capers, parsley, and red-wine vinegar to make a sensational dressing for crisp-tender...