A crisp 'no-mayo' coleslaw that is great for potlucks. I have used honey-roasted peanuts and have used sunflower seeds. The honey-roasted peanuts taste...
This sweet, creamy coleslaw recipe tastes like the coleslaw served at popular fried chicken or fish restaurants. It's excellent with burgers or on top...
To come up with this dish, I used a number of different recipes plus some ideas of my own. It's great for potluck because it's made the night before and...
A crisp 'no-mayo' coleslaw that is great for potlucks. I have used honey-roasted peanuts and have used sunflower seeds. The honey-roasted peanuts taste...
A mixture of cole slaw, green onions and broccoli combined with a dry mixture and a delicious dressing to create a wonderful salad that everyone will want...
A mixture of cole slaw, green onions and broccoli combined with a dry mixture and a delicious dressing to create a wonderful salad that everyone will want...
A mixture of cole slaw, green onions and broccoli combined with a dry mixture and a delicious dressing to create a wonderful salad that everyone will want...
A refreshing summer slaw that blends the flavor of peaches, savoy cabbage, red bell peppers, and pecans. I first enjoyed this slaw at a garden party in...
This is a delicious salad made of 7 different layers of ingredients. It's wonderful with a meal or as a meal by itself. My kids say YUM-YUM when they see...
This is a delicious salad made of 7 different layers of ingredients. It's wonderful with a meal or as a meal by itself. My kids say YUM-YUM when they see...
This is a delicious salad made of 7 different layers of ingredients. It's wonderful with a meal or as a meal by itself. My kids say YUM-YUM when they see...
This is a delicious salad made of 7 different layers of ingredients. It's wonderful with a meal or as a meal by itself. My kids say YUM-YUM when they see...
This recipe will put some fresh vegetables on your table in almost no time at all! My kids love it too. All the ingredients keep very well, so it's pantry-friendly....
This recipe will put some fresh vegetables on your table in almost no time at all! My kids love it too. All the ingredients keep very well, so it's pantry-friendly....
This salad consists of green cabbage, onions, cilantro, tomatoes, bacon bits, almonds, and sesame oil. This is a favorite of everyone I make it for, and...
This is also called a French cabbage salad. It is a wonderful way to serve cabbage. Skip the garlic, use cider vinegar, and it becomes a German cabbage...
This is my grandmother's recipe for sweet and sour cabbage slaw that couldn't be simpler to make! My family loves it as a side dish for grilled burgers...
Once in a blue moon, we like to make this delicious salad. The combination of fruit, cabbage, and blue cheese make this salad a satisfying and memorable...
This cold chicken coleslaw salad is wonderful, because you prepare it ahead of time and mix it up just before serving. It's also an easy salad to travel...
Eating local in the winter can be hard in the North, but this will cure cravings for raw fresh food. Aside from the salt, pepper, and olive oil, most ingredients...
This is also called a French cabbage salad. It is a wonderful way to serve cabbage. Skip the garlic, use cider vinegar, and it becomes a German cabbage...
This vinegar-based slaw is an easy way to start a meal. Very refreshing in the summer! Pairs great with fish, dishes with avocado, and Central and South...
Flavorful take on an old bbq standby. Other seasonings can be added as well, depending on preference. I find that chili powder adds a nice kick. Serve...
This is an easy, flavorful coleslaw that is great as a stand-alone side dish or as a topping for fish or pulled pork tacos. This coleslaw is best when...
This is not for the weak stomach; this spicy slaw is a nice addition when you want to add a side dish with an Asian flair. Refrigerate salad for at least...
My husband kept talking about 'Freezer Slaw' that his mom made and I couldn't find a recipe for it and she couldn't find hers. Luckily, his aunt still...