This recipe is so easy and healthy. I love mashed potatoes, and when I started the South Beach Diet® and couldn't have them, I had to find an alternative....
This simple but surprisingly flavorful puree is a satisfying stand-in for mashed potatoes, and it couldn't be easier. There's no cream in it and only a...
This shepherd's pie with cauliflower mash is a low-carb, healthier version of a great cold-weather dish. Enjoy this satisfying meal with a little less...
I substituted this dish for mashed potatoes as a low-carb alternative, and my husband said it was 'rockin' good.' Flavors of Parmesan, garlic, and chives...
Finally mastered this dish after about a dozen tries! Great low-carb side dish to replace mashed potatoes. Like I said above, I have made this at least...
Steamed head of cauliflower without butter, milk, extra calories, or carbs. Very light, very tasty. My 12-year-old child is very picky, but absolutely...
This vegetarian and onion-free version of the dish turned out delicious. Even my cauliflower-hating wife loved it! Served with fresh cracked pepper brought...
This is a great low-fat and low-carb substitute for mashed potatoes. You may never go back to mashed potatoes again. Everyone that's tried it has loved...
Using very little liquid, your electric pressure cooker can whip up creamy mashed cauliflower in next to no time. Feel free to add additional Parmesan...
I first ran across this dish at Ruby Tuesday®. It's a great change from mashed potatoes and can be just as versatile. Cream adds to the richness of the...
A great make-ahead mashed potato recipe for holiday or weeknight dinners! These potatoes taste freshly prepared, but without any fuss or extra dishes at...
I love the original shepherd's pie and this is a healthy alternative to lower your carb intake. This is a great comfort food meal any time of year! It...
This is great way to substitute mashed potatoes. It has a unique flavor and is full of veggie goodness. This recipe begs to be added to. I have used ranch...
This simple but surprisingly flavorful puree is a satisfying stand-in for mashed potatoes, and it couldn't be easier. There's no cream in it and only a...
This vegetarian and onion-free version of the dish turned out delicious. Even my cauliflower-hating wife loved it! Served with fresh cracked pepper brought...