ZWT 6. An Indian recipe by Revathy Kumar. We tried this and liked it very much. We had it with barbecued chicken that was seasoned simply with onion paste...
Apparently the secret of great fried rice is to first toss the cooked rice in peanut oil and then mix in the seasoned vegetables. This rice calls for a...
A Citrus taste, combined with almonds, celery, and onions- but no added salt- make this side dish a new classic. Try this heart healthy recipe with fish....
This is a tasty side dish which also works well as a take-to-work lunch reheated in the microwave the next day. Makes 2 lunches or serves 2-3 as a side...
Entered for safe-keeping. From WW's "Simply the Best All-American". This variation is from Charleston, South Carolina. Add shrimp, chicken or ham to make...
This was very well enjoyed by my family when I served it alongside my Pressure cooked Black eye peas (chauli). Please do try it if you want a nice jeera...
This is a super easy and wonderful Mexican rice that can be adjusted for a Vegan-friendly side dish as well. Great for OAMC as it freezes well in Ziploc...
This is a simple open pie with a rice case.It's filled with red salmon, onion and cheese. It's one of my families favourite pies. My mother had it given...
This is a recipe from Campbell's Kitchen. What a difference one ingredient can make! You will be amazed at the flavor improvement Swanson® Broth makes...
Cobbarannam--spells coconut rice in Telugu (a language of India). My Mom and Nanis (grandmothers) made this for special days like birthdays, anniversaries...
Another from Maria Luisa Scott and Jack Denton Scott's "Rice : More than 250 Unexpected Ways to Cook the Perfect Food". They recommend serving it with...
Pilaus are a staple of the low country SC kitchen. The only problem with preparing them is that is essential that you have a rice steamer. A rice steamer...
The wine and herbs really make this dish special, and different from most other rice and cheese casseroles I've seen elsewhere. This is a recipe I invented...
This recipe comes from South Africa. Borrie is the Afrikaans word for turmeric or yellow. Borrie rys is customarily served with curry dishes or stews....
I haven't tried this yet, but it's definitely on my to-make list yet before summer's completely over. Looks like a great side dish for a Tex-Mex kind of...
Posting for ZWT6 for Iranian dishes. This is a recipe from the "The BBQ Bible" No Persian meal would be complete without rice. Here is a simple steamed...
This is very easy to make, I used Lundberg's Country Wild Rice Blend from the Whole Foods bulk bin. Season to your liking-- too much Old Bay can be salty--...
This recipe is from the "Just Add Water" cookbook by Lauren Chattman. You can make this without the shrimp as a side dish, or add shrimp for a full dinner....
This is a rather elaborate pilau that makes a delicious little feast when served with a dal, a raita, a chutney, some chapatis and fresh fruit. The recipe...
Recipe is taken from the "The Spice Trail" cookbook which says the recipe is a blend of North and South Indian cuisines. The tangy flavor of mustard seeds...
This recipe is from The Quilon, London, England, the only Michelin-starred restaurant in the world specialising in Southern Indian food. Each part can...
This delicious side dish can be prepared with a rice steamer or in the oven in a Dutch oven.Originally from a January 2007 issue of Southern Living. Occasional...
This salad is a meal by itself..I had something similar at a restuarant, went home and came up with this.Wonderful mixture of sweet and sour,crisp and...
Peppers of every kind are crucial to Cajun cooking, this colourful salad uses red, yellow and green capiscums, as well as peppery spices. Make it as chilli-hot...
I love the traditional lamb stuffed grape leaves, so I was thrilled to find that my local market had started stocking prepared grape leaves in jars. But,...
This recipe is from week 21 of my food blog, Travel by Stove. I am attempting to cook one meal from every nation on Earth, and Bangladesh is my 21st stop....
This dish is quite creamy, yet the curry gives it an exotic taste... it's also quite easy to prepare! came up with this recipe a couple of years ago and...
When I first got married, I couldn't cook, but I did charm my husband with this dish. This was one of the first dishes that I made, that I didn't ruin....
Riz aux Djon-Djons by Mirta Yurnet-Thomas from a "Taste of Haiti" & This way I could give your correct cooking times and accurate amounts....
A flavorful side dish perfect for either adding interest to a meal featuring a plain meat or for standing up to an intricate dish that would overwhelm...