Found this recipe a couple of years ago in Taste of Home Magazine. The salmon is always moist, and there's only five ingredients! I put the salmon on top...
Easy and pretty. Present the salad in its "before" stage to your guests, and then toss. I usually "cheat" and add different vegetables as needed or desired....
I was served this dressing by my neighbor who told me "if I liked Olive Garden's dressing I would love this". She was right and now this is all I will...
This salad recipe is an original. I tried it one night just to see how it would do. Uncertain about my finished product, and never seeing this before,...
This recipe comes from a local Newspaper. It was a $5,000 prize winner. Incredibly unique and delicious. It has becomes a favorite with our family and...
There are oodles of spinach salad recipes and I must say I like them all. This is an old one so some of you may already have it. We love the dressing in...
One of those recipes that you can make a day ahead and get out of your way and not be pressed for time the day of your dinner party or social event. I...
I grew up eating wilted lettuce...I love this recipe...It goes with just about anything...I love this because it is easy and wonderful to eat..It is hard...
This vinaigrette is perfect over grilled or roasted vegetables or salad greens topped with warm veggies. Try grilling some lamb chops and zukes and serve...
I love this recipe because it's delicious, cheap, and easy to make. It's also healthy and not a bad option for dieters. The bold and aromatic balsamic...
This is a recipe that is served at all of our family gatherings and has been for many years. That really is the sign of a good recipe, isn't it? When family...
This presentation is nothing short of cool. We loved the dressing in general, but it really stands out when paired with the unique flavor of the grilled...
This is so refreshing and tasty. Doesn't hurt that it's also really good for you too. P.S. You may want to add more avocado because I know I sure do every...
Absolutely my whole family from my mom, siblings, husband and children. One day my husband decided he wanted a nice Chef Salad, so I decided to gather...
Here's the problem... You love the taste of a good Caesar dressing; however, you don't especially care for anchovies, or the use of raw eggs. Well, get...
Pulled out some of my recipes tonight as we are having a dinner party tomorrow night and this is the salad we're having....since its out I thought I'd...
This is just delicious .... that's all I can say. I used to be a Pampered Chef consultant, and made this salad at MANY get togethers, as it was a good...
I don't care for salad that you need to cut! I found that if I chop the veggies it adds so much to the whole taste. I started doing this and the comments...
This is a fantastic recipe that consists of so many different flavors you will be very impressed. The combination of orange flavored vinaigrette and prosciutto...
I never thought I could get my husband on board for eating a salad for dinner but the BBQ chicken really gives this some substance. The way this salad...
This salad is out of this world! It satisfies all your tastes...sweet, sour, salty and bitter. The slightly thick, sweet and pungent poppy seed dressing,...
The contrast of the salad greens, chicken and raspberries makes for such an impressive presentation... and wonderfully complex flavor. This would be great...