An inexpensive noodle and broth soup, saimin is the favorite local fast food of the Hawaiian islands (also considered the national dish of Hawaii). It...
Credit for this recipe goes to Nolallan at Epicurious. For those of us who love the Hawaiian Islands or are Hawaiian or Hawaiian at heart, this appetizer...
This is a great little recipe that Tom came up with to use your left over salmon with. We lived for several years in Hawaii and lomi lomi salmon was one...
I was desperately searching for the rather plain macaroni salad served at Ono Hawaiian BBQ and this one comes close! Apparently, this is a typical macaroni...
Great little appetizers! Easy. Got this from a Hawaiian friend of mine. Be sure to make plenty, they go fast! Serve hot, warm or at room temperature. Can...
You'll enjoy these succulent and delicious shrimp at your next party. Look for salt-cured prosciutto in gourmet and Italian markets and large supermarkets....
This is a recipe that we used growing up on Maui. We mostly used it to marinade chicken or beef short rips and then grill the. Because of the sugar content,...
This is a popular condiment in Hawaii, but you can use it wherever you are. It goes great with rice and Asian-style dishes and it's easy to make. Remember...
Sweet, spicy & smooth. Great for grilled shrimp, chicken or seared ahi. You may want to adjust the amount of wasabi to your own spice level. I have also...
Poi should be fresh, 1 or 2 days old. Freeze dried or bottled poi may be substituted, although the flavor is more bland. Poi gets a little sour tasting...
Wonni's ingredients, my measurements are all approximate, because I haven't found it local yet. Posting it here, off of the back of the bottle. So far,...
A good summer salad from the Favorite Brand Names Cookbook. I'm in love with pineapples so anything that has them as an ingredient ends up in heavy rotation...
Named in honor of my brother-in-law Earon, a native Hawaiian, who LOVES macaroni salad. He turned me on to it a few years back, and now I'm addicted too!...
Hawaiian snack that is fun to make. My sons and their friends enjoy assembling their own Spam musubi rolls, and then eating them. The nori sheets and furikake...
This was the signature dish of the Canoe House at the Mauna Lani Hotel (Big Island), where Chef Alan Wong worked before opening his own restaurant. The...
This recipe, from the website is so full of flavors! With the sweet pineapple and chicken mixture, done quickly in the Instant pot, then...
At the recently opened Bowl & Blade in Park Slope, Brooklyn, the restaurant has mastered a new take on quick-serve - capitalizing on the bowl phenomena...
I found this recipe in the Honolulu Advertiser, and it was highlighting island food that had been given a healthy twist. This poke weighs in at only 206...