This recipe was from a cleanse diet I saw and is actually meant to be put in a blender and drank. When I saw the ingredients I thought why not just eat...
The sweetness of the ham is a nice complement to the tartness of the currants. I couldn't find one recipe that used fresh red currants that wasn't a jam...
This is a quick bok choy salad recipe I got from my mother. I made a few modifications to the dressing to fit my own taste, but it's been a hit with my...
Sweet and salty flavors combine to make this salad irresistible! Always a hit at parties! Be careful not to overdo the onion. Do not toss until ready to...
A simple way to enjoy purslane, which is a weed that you might be able to forage in your own backyard! Purslane has more omega-3s than any other plant...
This can be a quick last minute appetizer or something you can throw together quickly to take to a pot luck. Generally I always have these items on hand...
I had this salad at a once popular New-American restaurant in Jersey City, but it's no longer in business. The restaurant used a house-made Romesco dressing,...
Lovely cooling salad goes great with spicy or heavy food. It has crisp and sweet watermelon with creamy, buttery avocado topped with a zesty orange, mint...
With the weather getting way too hot in Texas, the search is on to find food that goes great with BBQ and light enough not to weigh you down in the heat....
This is a crisp lettuce salad with a zippy sweet and sour dressing. Always a hit at a gathering, but doesn't store well. Very quick to prepare at the last...
Marinated chicken grilled then sliced and served on your favorite salad greens with a topping of parmesan cheese and croutons with creamy Caesar salad...
This Caesar salad does not mess around. It has everything in great amounts to make it an extremely flavorful and sustaining side dish (or meal in itself)....
This has been a favorite since my childhood! I liked it before I even would eat salad! It's always a huge hit and goes especially great with outdoor gatherings...
This salad is the perfect and healthy combination of tangy beets and creamy avocado. Add in the sweet cherries and crunchy pistachios and you will have...
Simple herb salad mix. You may add dried fruit, meats, dressings, and toppings to your liking. Store leftover greens in a resealable plastic bag in the...
Dukkah is an Egyptian condiment made of toasted nuts and seeds. It usually contains roasted hazelnuts or chickpeas as the foundation, and is seasoned with...
This is a sweet, tangy salad with slightly wilted spinach. It comes together super fast and easy, with great results! I used a cranberry sugar vinegar...
One trick with escarole is to make sure you are using a sweet enough dressing to offset the bitterness. I accomplished that with a dressing of sherry and...