This is a quick dish that's great for summer. I came up with it on a Thursday after school when Mom asked me to get dinner ready before she got home. Nice...
This is a festive and flavorful salad that is perfect for the holidays and easy to assemble. Serve with your favorite dressing(s) on the side so that it...
This dish is quick, tasty, and my favorite! The cold salad and warm steak are the perfect combination in this dish! You can make the salad any way you...
The salad that initiated a year-long quest to duplicate the recipe! When I threw yet another attempt at the dressing in the fridge overnight, I hit on...
Blood oranges are only in season for a few brief times a year, but they are so delicious and unusual that I wanted to create a recipe worthy of them. This...
A delicious family recipe that serves up well with BBQ'd dishes. A spinach salad with a hot bacon dressing goes will with crumbled gorgonzola cheese and...
Kale is healthy for you but tends to be strong in flavor. This salad with the peanut dressing cuts down the strong taste of kale. Key is not to overly...
I live in Buckeye country, that's the land of Ohio State University football to the rest of you. We love to tailgate and watch the Bowl games, and are...
Delicious Southwestern twist on the classic Caesar Salad (Cesar in Spanish) with chipotle dressing. It makes a beautiful presentation for you and your...
This hearty and flavorful salad is easy to prepare and great served over warm laffa bread for a complete meal. While my favorite version contains a tasty...
Growing up in the North Carolina mountains, everyone knew what killed lettuce was and how to fix it. This is my mom's recipe, and it is very simple and...
My mom began making this salad a few years ago and, as soon as I tried it, I just had to get the recipe. This is my version, but can be varied in many...
A delicious fall salad with arugula, butternut squash, and shaved Parmesan cheese. Baked butternut squash has a wonderful sweet flavor that pairs well...
Right before your grilled entree comes off the grill, throw some peaches on for the salad. The caramelization adds a dimension of flavor and appearance...
This easy salad recipe will thrill all of your guests! A bowl of mixed greens is adorned with bits of apple, chopped walnuts, and Gorgonzola or feta cheese,...
Fabulous salad for a fall dinner with friends or a holiday dinner. The cashew flavoring really adds to the salad and you can make the cashews just for...
Roasted Butternut squash is sauteed with onions, then tossed with crumbled bacon, toasted pecans, raisins, and chopped romaine lettuce and drizzled with...
This is one of my favorite salads. It tastes so good you wouldn't even suspect it's low-fat. Wonton wrappers (or skins) can be found in the deli or produce...
Blood oranges are a bit less acidic with just a hint of berry flavor. Combine them with healthy salad greens, sweet blueberries, crunchy walnuts, creamy...
This is a simple healthy dish that can be used as a small salad for lunch or a yummy side dish. This is great on its own or would work wonderfully as a...