This Smoked Ham with the Bourbon Praline glaze is the star of the show. For this recipe you'll double smoke a carving ham - and it's so simple anyone with...
Sweet Chili Sauce is simple and tasty. The great thing is that it can be used for so many applications. It also stores nicely in the fridge for a few days....
Orange Glazed Salmon is an easy breezy weeknight dinner that's pretty enough to be a dinner party entrée centerpiece: the slightly sweet, citrusy kick...
Mississippi raises the best tasting catfish in the world. Of course we know how to fry these pond raised delicacies, but it's also great as Barbecue Catfish...
This moist gluten free paleo tahini banana bread is made with almond flour, tahini, maple syrup, and only a few other simple ingredients. It is the best...
Baby shrimp are widely available frozen and precooked, so keep a couple of bags in the freezer for a versatile ingredient for a variety of meals. Mildly...
This creamy and delicious cashew cream is great with absolutely everything! It's the perfect substitute for dairy cream and can be used in a variety of...
The French technique of cooking "in paper" gently steams your protein and veggies in liquid-wine, in this case-so barely any cooking fat is necessary....
This 5 Minute Microwave Ricotta Cheese recipe shows you how easy it is to make cheesy, delicious homemade ricotta cheese, without much equipment or time!...
I call this recipe "Texas Style Pulled Pork" because it reminds me of the way brisket and spare ribs are cooked in the Lone Star State. Simple, 3-ingredient...
These cherry chocolate chip bars are made with wholesome ingredients and are vegan friendly, as well as refined sugar free and gluten free. Perfect and...
Make your feast more special for this year's holiday with this simple orange jalapeño cranberry sauce that can be ready in 15 minutes. An easy recipe...
It's hard to feel deprived with this luscious fruit plate in front of you. Enjoy whatever is in season. Star fruit, also known as carambola, is a sweet-tart...
Get fired up for El Salvadoran Roast Turkey. My husband is half Mexican and half El Salvadoran. That means I get fed REALLY WELL when I'm with his family....
Pampushki are starchy morsels usually served with soup, such as Borsch. What's unique about these is that they are made using both mashed potatoes and...
Did you forget to pick up the BBQ sauce for dinner? No worries, with our Grandma's Best BBQ sauce, you will have the ingredients in your pantry. A sweet...
These vegan stuffed mushrooms are stuffed with vegan cream cheese and herbs, topped with breadcrumbs and baked to golden perfection. You will want seconds,...
This one-pot hearty bean and beef chili will become a staple for chilly fall nights. Throw it together when you need a warm and hearty meal to fill up...
Salsa Chicken Casserole will take dinner to a whole new level. With a quick stir-fry, this casserole can be on the table in under 30 minutes. Perfect on...
I always think of my wife's best friend, Long Island, while thinking about a baked ziti recette. He likes Italian food like many New Yorkers. His wife...
This is a fun spin on the classic Polenta by turning it into handy little baked garlic herb polenta squares. It is really simple to make and so flavorful...
This blackberry cordial is marvellous, and its deep flavour and richness are incomparable. You can use it in hot or cold drinks, pour on hot porridge,...
When you want a seafood dish that is hearty enough to satisfy any meat-eater, reach for this one. A simple swordfish steak is seared and then elevated...
How to make healthy beef and green beans stir fry. This gluten free recipe is so simple, quick, and easy, it makes a perfect weeknight meal. Low carb dinner...
Prepared salsa makes this chicken stir-fry recipe burst with flavor. Substitute any of your favorite vegetables. Serve with pasta or rice and dinner is...
Whether you serve these for before dinner as a starter or add them to your small get together, I am sure everyone is going to love them. This crispy chicken...