The spiciness gives this ice cream an added kick and really brings out the richness of the chocolate as well. Spices are all to taste because I just eyeballed...
This treat is easy to make and lasts for weeks in the fridge. Remember those ice cream sandwiches you would buy at school or the store? Now you can make...
Italian ice is a summertime frozen treat. In the heat of the summer, you usually notice Italian ice carts out and about, selling them to cool off the kids....
Pizzelle cookies are dainty, but make the perfect base for an ice cream sandwich. They also are a treat most dieters can indulge in without guilt. Feel...
This recipe is fast, refreshing and delicious! NOTE: You'll want to halve this recipe if you are using a Cuisinart® or similar 1-1/2 automatic ice cream...
This homemade ice cream recipe uses fresh pears combined with sweet gooey caramel for a unique and delicious flavor. It is perfect in late summer, and...
Make this easy delicious summer ice cream cake a day ahead to allow time for the whole thing to freeze adequately. This is a delicious cake that I make...
This yummy, chocolatey, peanut buttery, frozen layered ice cream treat is sure to be a hit with all! This is an often requested dessert in my house. Warning:...
A fresh-tasting mint-lime sorbet that reflects the flavors of a mojito. The optional rum in the recipe helps the sorbet not freeze too hard if being stored...
We were looking for a way to use up our seasonal pomegranate produce, and this is it! No cooking, no corn syrup, and the most amazing flavor. We call it...
Does the thought of a hot cup of coffee and tender glazed doughnuts make your salivate? Why not try this take on the old breakfast favorite! Rich creamy...
The easiest, most delicious homemade mint chocolate chip ice cream recipe. I use a Cuisinart® ice cream maker but the recipe can be used with other ice...
I make these all the time for a tasty summer treat and my whole family enjoys them. Just freeze them overnight and you will have delicious pops the next...
A real crowd pleaser. Make this refreshing dessert with pudding mix and ice cream. Make it up to a week in advance, freeze it, then remove from freezer...
An easy way to make Italian Ice with Jell-O® for those hot summer days. You can use any flavor Jell-O® instead of cherry but make sure you use the same...
This is a vintage recipe that I discovered after moving into an old farm house in rural Virginia. It was scribbled on a scrap of paper and dated '1930;...
I used a Kitchen Aid® ice cream attachment to make this frozen yogurt. I call it adult because it has liquor in the ingredients. I hope you enjoy this...
Coconut, toasted pecans, Baker's® sweet German chocolate, and whipping cream--enough said. To die for! I have made this many, many times--everyone loves...
This amazing ice cream is flecked with small squares of cinnamon-sugar-dusted fried pie crust and dots of cherry pie filling suspended in an almond-vanilla...
This easy way to make fried ice cream is great for dessert. You can try different kinds of ice cream, and even try adding toppings like wafer cookies,...
Pink and blue ice cream with cotton candy flavors. Very simple to make and fun for the kids on really hot summers. Enjoy! Also there is no extra sugar...
This ice cream has the great taste of a root beer float without the soda. It's a great summertime dessert. Root beer concentrate can be found in the spice...