This pan-seared tilapia dish is a delicious and easy way to prepare seafood! Great for a quick weeknight meal accompanied with fresh veggies. Try this...
When it comes to salmon, I think that simple preparation is best. This is a simple way that we use to cook fresh caught salmon either on the grill or in...
It's Saturday, I know that, but after Dr. appointments, hair cuts for the boys and making groceries. I just kept tasting catfish. Already sitting in the...
Easy, delicious and healthy Baked Flounder with Lemon Soy Vinaigrette recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Baked Flounder with Lemon...
This is a meal that when you do some for the house, you can make more, because you have a the clean up only onr time for 3 sets of meals. And they do freeze...
One of the best cracker spreads from my dad. I made this to take to Mother's Day barbecue. I know the guy's all love fish so I am including this in the...
When you use a fairly expensive, rich, and well-marbled fish like wild salmon, you want to make sure you don't clutter it with too many spices or overcook...
Delicious sea bass fillets are studded with fresh chervil and served with pesto over new potatoes and portobello mushrooms. The sea bass is broiled, but...
This recipe is from my neighbor & very good friend Gayle, she is an excellent cook, & I know this recipe is greeat also. It is quick, easy & simple to...
You can fry any fish this way. Our favorites in particular are catfish, swai and speckled trout. I saw this concept on one of the cooking shows but cannot...