This easy cake is an ideal any occasion. It's great for breakfast, can be taken to a potluck, stands on its own as dessert...or is right at home for...
Sweet Salsa Chicken is a simple yet delicious weeknight main meal that the whole family will adore. Salsa dip is combined with mustard, honey, brown sugar...
Fresh flavors is the key. Now this does work with dry herbs, but for me the taste is not the same. My two (2) favorites to use the marinade on are chicken...
These tacos capture the essence of a traditional barbacoa taco. Since goat meat is a little harder to find I love to use a chuck roast to make these amazing...
The sweet pumpkin custard surrounds the ruffled layers of golden crispy fillo which gets adorned with a dusting of powdered sugar and cinnamon just before...
Meringue Shell Cookies have a crisp ribbon of meringue and soft crumbly center. These cookies are lightly sweet and made perfect with a dusting of powdered...
This Korean Beef Bowl is the super quick-and-easy version of the traditional Beef Bulgogi. With only a 15-minute cook time and a few simple ingredients,...
From, for ZWT 9--"Jeows or dips are found accompanying sticky rice at every meal in Laos. This special chili paste is indigenous...
Prep time includes infusion time. *Warning: Use rubber gloves when working with chiles (or coat your hands with oil). Be sure to wash hands thoroughly...
What can I say.. lol... i might only posted a recipes that i already tried, I also shared it to my friends and they love it. Took the recipe from Hawaii...
A unique blend of flavorings lend lip-smacking flavor to the boring pot pork roast! And, best part, put it on in the morning, go to work, and when you...
Never met a pizza I didn't like. And this breakfast pizza is a sure way to end your evening. Breakfast dinner is always a good and fun idea. Plus, the...
Here is a super easy and quick recipe for healthy brownies with zucchini. Zucchini will make your brownie moist and rich while balancing the cocoa flavor....
Cheesy Baked Broccoli Gnocchi is a comforting one-pan dinner! This is a potential family favorite dinner for any season. Creamy, cheesy, bubbly, and comes...
Quick, easy, healthy and delicious vegetarian main course. It's a perfect meatless weeknight dinner that can be on the table in half an hour, start to...
This is perhaps the most famous recipe created by Marcella Hazan, the cookbook author who changed how Americans cook Italian food. It also may be her easiest....
Shrimp dish based on a mojito drink at Boulevard Gourmet's restaurant. I will admit I cheated and tossed the shrimp for 3 minutes after marinading into...