Make this Straight-From-the-Restaurant The Capital Grille Stoli Doli Cocktail Recipe at home. This Signature Restaurant Cocktail is Stolinachya Vodka infused...
We love a classic mojito, but this is the best frozen mojito recipe is our favorite!! You will never need another frozen mojito recipe after trying this...
The Hummer Cocktail is an adult milkshake of epic'll either love me or hate me for this irresistible concoction of ice cream, rum,...
Create the perfect Absolut Rubyred Soda with this step-by-step guide. Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Garnish with lime and pink...
Blueberry lavender lemonade with vodka is the perfect cocktail for summer evenings. This purple drink is sweetened with agave nectar and real blueberries....
Learn how to make a super refreshing mojito with muddled cucumber! You'll love this light summer cocktail made with mint, cucumber, rum, club soda and...
Does anything scream party more than Jello Shots? Not in my world! Made with vodka and any flavor of jello you love best. Using just 3 ingredients, this...
This drink requires the simplest of preparations, yet it's almost wholly unexpected by the average imbiber. For assertiveness, it uses a good, amber...
This cocktail is a product of the shooters fad that began in the 1990s. As its name suggests, the Midori Illusion or Melon Illusion. The recipe here calls...
Create the perfect Peaches with this step-by-step guide. Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a rocks glass filled...
The woodsy, complex flavors of root beer are right at home in a liqueur. Use it in cocktails like you would an amaro or in sweet concoctions for a bold...
Create the perfect Apple Martini with this step-by-step guide. Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass....
These martinis taste like a boozy, bodacious pumpkin pie. Smooth, creamy, sweet and rich with nuances of pumpkin and cinnamon, this martini is essentially...
Create the perfect Absolut Raspberri Collins with this step-by-step guide. Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add raspberries and simple syrup. Muddle. Add...
Homemade banana liqueur will show you that, when it comes to tropical drinks, the simple banana can taste just as exotic as the more elusive coconut and...
I've got a crush on you! This is the Orange Crush recipe that will have you sipping and singing all summer long. It's made with fresh orange juice and...