We were at a restaurant one fall, and this drink was on the menu. My brother asked the ingredients, then made multiple iterations at home until he got...
Invented by James Bond in the 1953 novel Casino Royale, the vesper today uses Lillet Blanc since Kina Lillet is no longer made. The resulting cocktail...
This simple-to-make cordial is a perfect Christmas or Thanksgiving gift. Three ingredients, little preparation, and 22 days result in a colorful tart-sweet...
Refreshing summer mojito that you will want to make over and over. Great for warm summer days or nights. You can serve this right away, but it is better...
Try this twist on the traditional old fashioned cocktail, which uses mezcal instead of whiskey. The mezcal gives it a smoky flavor, while the anejo tequila...
Nothing is more perfect on a clear fall day than a refreshing apple bourbon cocktail. Premium Jim Beam® Bourbon meets the juicy tartness of apple for...
This is a very tasty, but strong fall hard cider recipe. It is great to serve on Thanksgiving! The recipe is per glass, but your best bet is to heat an...
This is a no-frills, bare-bones recipe created during hurricane season one year when we didn't have all of the traditional ingredients, such as the celery...
These chocolate martinis are served in martini glasses coated with chocolate syrup and garnished with maraschino cherries. Use the cherries to slowly stir...
If you've ever thought about drinking your candy, then this is the recipe for you. This whimsical martini is perfect for Easter, or frankly any place where...
Grill fresh tomatoes with poblano and bell peppers, garlic, onion and lemon and blend with a zesty whirlwind of spices for your new refreshing addition...
Say hello to summer's new go-to drink. Instead of the traditional lime juice used in a margarita, we went with lemon juice to soften the smokiness of the...
This was my grandfather's recipe that we pull out every year at Christmas gatherings. He served it without the cloves, cinnamon, and allspice, but we like...
To create a lower-alcohol version of a grapefruit margarita, we replaced the usual orange liqueur with honey. The result is a light and refreshing cocktail...
Try serving an aperitif-style cocktail when guests arrive for a holiday feast. Meant to stimulate the appetite, they're perfect right before a big meal....
This amazing cocktail is an at-home easy adaptation of a drink I love! It tastes like sweet coconut and is a real crowd pleaser for those who don't like...